Adaptor module

How do I use this module ?
The command "jsaga-help" provides some useful information about the usage and the current configuration of the plug-ins.
jsaga-help -help
If this command does not provides the answer to your question, then please contact us so that we can fill out this FAQ.


Execution management

What is the URL syntax understood by this plug-in ?
The URL must be:
    <HOSTNAME> is the name of the host running the gLite-CREAM service,
    <PORT> is 8443 by default,
    <SCHEDULER> is the scheduler available on targeted site: pbs, lsf, sge, condor...
    <QUEUE> is the name of the job queue (e.g. short, long, a_vo_name... this queue will override any queue specified via SAGA)
    <DELEGATION> is the identifier of your delegated proxy (optional). If not provided, JSAGA will generate one


My job fails with error
Cannot upload file://... into gsiftp://.../cream_sandbox/...
If your delegated proxy is of type "rfc3820" (the default if you have created a VOMS proxy with JSAGA), it might be possible that the remote site does not support RFC proxies. Try with a proxy of type "old".


It fails with this error message:
Identity reading failed: null
Fix access permissions on your certificate


How to get rid of this error message: : Error while reading directory null
Add this line to your LOG4J configuration file ($JSAGA_HOME/etc/ by default):
