Adaptor module

How do I use this module ?
The command "jsaga-help" provides some useful information about the usage and the current configuration of the plug-ins.
jsaga-help -help
If this command does not provides the answer to your question, then please contact us so that we can fill out this FAQ.



Which security context should I use with this adaptor ?
Use a context of type "openstack", giving your tenant, your username and your password.


Should I define additional security contexts to access resources (eg. compute nodes) ?
It depends on the type of nodes:
  • Compute resource (Nova server): JSaga will automatically add a security context to access the SSHD server on the server. See below for optional arguments "KeypairName" and "PrivateKey"
  • Storage resource (Swift container): no additional security needed
  • Network resource (Neurone network): not supported yet


Resource management

What is the URL syntax understood by this adaptor ?
The URL must be:
    <HOSTNAME> is the name of the host running the Openstack identity service,
    <PORT> is the port of the Openstack identity service.

Optional arguments:
    KeypairName= the key pair name installed on Openstack
    PrivateKey= the local private key corresponding to the keypair
KeypairName and PrivateKey allow to access compute resources with a public key. Otherwise, access will be done
with the password provided by Openstack when the compute resource was booted.


Execution management on compute resources

How can I have the list of available templates for compute resources ?
        ResourceManager rm = ResourceFactory.createResourceManager(session, url);


Data management on storage resources

How do I describe the type of storage node I want to acquire ?
Neither SAGA attributes are supported yet.
