Adaptor module

How do I use this module ?
The command "jsaga-help" provides some useful information about the usage and the current configuration of the plug-ins.
jsaga-help -help
If this command does not provide the answer to your question, then please contact us so that we can fill out this FAQ.


What is the URL syntax understood by this plug-in ?
The URL must be:
    <HOSTNAME> is the name of the host running the BES service,
    <PORT> is 8443 by default,
    <PATH> is the path of the BES service.


On which BES service this adaptor has been tested ?
Tested against:
  • Unicore 6.4.X (bes://UNICORE_HOST:8080/TARGET/services/BESFactory?res=default_bes_factory)
  • A-REX (bes://AREX_HOST:2010/arex-x509)
  • GenesisII (bes://GENESISII_HOST:18443/axis/services/GeniiBESPortType?genii-container-id=XXX)


How to build a specific BES adaptor (i.e. for a specific middleware) using this module ?
You can override the following classes if you need to add features :
  • MyBesJobControlAdaptor extends BesJobControlAdaptor
  • MyBesJobMonitorAdaptor extends BesJobMonitorAdaptor
  • MyBesJob extends BesJob
  • MyBesJobStatus extends BesJobStatus
and make your Adaptor depend on the jsaga-adaptor-bes module
