Adaptor module

How do I use this module ?
The command "jsaga-help" provides some useful information about the usage and the current configuration of the plug-ins.
jsaga-help -help
If this command does not provide the answer to your question, then please contact us so that we can fill out this FAQ.



How do I configure this adaptor to use an existing proxy
JSAGA can load your proxy from either (in order of priority):
  • An object in memory (attribute "UserProxyObject")
  • A string (attribute "UserProxyString")
  • A file (attribute "UserProxy")


What do I need to build a VOMS Proxy?
The VOMS Proxy can be built from either (in order of priority):
  • A valid Globus Proxy (attribute "InitialUserProxy")
  • The PKCS12 certificate (attribute "UserCertKey") with its password (attribute "UserPass")
  • The PEM certificate (attribute "UserCert") and its private key (attribute "UserKey") with its password (attribute "UserPass")


What is the "Server" attribute?
It is the URI of the VOMS Server for your VO (attribute "UserVO"). If you have the gLite UI environment on your box, you can omit this attribute. The URI will be found in the gLite "vomses" directory that you can set in the "Vomses" attribute. If the "Vomses" attribute is not set, the URI will be found in "$HOME/.glite/vomses" or "$HOME/.voms/vomses" or "/etc/vomses".


Where can I find the URL to set for attribute "Server" if I have not the gLite UI environment?
The Server URL is built with the information found under section "VOMS information" of the EGI Operations Portal for your VO :
voms://{Host}:{Vomses port}{DN}


How do I use the VOMSMyProxy context ?
It is basically the same usage of the MyProxy context, except that you use a VOMS proxy as described above


How to name the Certificate Authority (on client side) ?
Use the "openssl" command line interface from Linux/Cygwin distribution:
HASH=`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in ca.crt`
mv ca.crt $HASH.0
chmod 664 $HASH.0


How to use a PKCS12 certificate ?
You need to install the JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files (JAR Files) into your JRE (in the lib/security directory). You can download these files on the official Java website.


How to prevent verbose hexadecimal information to be output by security API ?
Add this line to file etc/ :


Is there some other FAQ about this plug-in ?
Yes, VOMS is based on Globus Security Infrastructure, so please also check the Globus adaptors FAQ for answers to your questions.
