Adaptor module

How do I use this module ?
The command "jsaga-help" provides some useful information about the usage and the current configuration of the plug-ins.
jsaga-help -help
If this command does not provides the answer to your question, then please contact us so that we can fill out this FAQ.


Execution management

How to get rid of this error message: : Error while reading directory null
Add this line to your LOG4J configuration file ($JSAGA_HOME/etc/ by default):


How can I pass JDL atttributes that have no equivalent in SAGA specification ?
There are several alternatives for doing that:
  • Default JDL attributes can be added in a file, by adding path to this file as the value of attribute "DefaultJdlFile" in etc/jsaga-default-contexts.xml configuration file.
  • Default JDL attributes can be put directly into the etc/jsaga-default-contexts.xml configuration file (see example).
  • In addition to default JDL requirements, user-defined requirements can be added at run-time by setting the non-standard attribute "JDLRequirements" in your job description. Example usage :
    description.setVectorAttribute("Extension", new String[]{"JDLRequirements=(other.GlueHostOperatingSystemRelease>=5.0)"});


What is the URL syntax understood by this plug-in ?
The URL must be:
    <HOSTNAME> is the name of the host running the WMS server,
    <PORT> is 7443 by default.


How to get the name of the CE chosen by the WMS ?
As soon as the job is in 'READY' state, the name of the destination CE is available using


How to get the name of the worker node where the job is running ?
As soon as the job is in 'RUNNING' state, the name of the WN may be accessible with
But on some cases, the WN is not available so the array returned by
will only contain one element: the CE
