Choose the type of adaptor you need:
Choose the interfaces to implement according to the technology used by your legacy API:
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface XMLEventConnector public void writeToOutputXMLEvent(OutputXMLEvent out, String viewId) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Connector
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface SAXConnector public void writeToContentHandler(String viewId, XMLEventHandler out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Connector
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface JAXBConnector public void setBean(String viewId) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Connector
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface InputStreamConnector public InputStream getAsInputStream(String viewId) throws Exception { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Connector
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface DOMConnector public Document getAsDOM(DocumentBuilder factory, String viewId) throws Exception { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Connector
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface DOM4JConnector public Document getAsDOM4J(DocumentFactory factory, String viewId) throws Exception { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Connector
Choose the interfaces to implement according to the technology used by your legacy API:
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface XMLStreamSerializer public void setInputStream(InputStream input) throws IOException { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public ReadBuffer read() throws IOException { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public ReadBuffer read(byte[] bytes, int offset, int requestedLength) throws IOException { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void close() throws IOException { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Serializer
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface XMLEventSerializer public void write(InputStream in, XMLEventHandler out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Serializer
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Serializer // methods of interface DOMSerializer public Document getAsDOM(InputStream input) throws Exception { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Serializer // methods of interface DOM4JSerializer public Document getAsDOM4J(InputStream input) throws Exception { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Serializer // methods of interface BufferedSerializerAbstract protected String readFully(InputStream in) throws IOException { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
Choose the interfaces to implement according to the technology used by your legacy API:
Choose the interfaces to implement according to the technology used by your legacy API:
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface SimpleCache public void setViewId(String viewId) { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void startDocument() throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void endDocument() throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void startElement(XMLElement in) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void endElement(XMLElement in) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void addText(XMLText in) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void addComment(XMLComment in) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void publish() throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public long getLastRefreshDate() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface IndexedCache public int getIndexDepth() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void startIndex() throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void endIndex() throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void startKey(XMLElement in) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void endKey(XMLElement in) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
Choose the interfaces to implement according to the technology used by your legacy API:
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface ViewEventCallback public void run(String dependency, long lastRefreshDate, Map views) { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Trigger public void start(CacheBuilder cache) throws ConfigurationException { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void stop() { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
Choose the interfaces to implement according to the technology used by your legacy API:
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface XMLEventRenderer public Object createContext() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void startDocument(OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void endDocument(OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void startElement(XMLElement in, OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void endElement(XMLElement in, OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void addText(XMLText in, OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void addComment(XMLComment in, OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Renderer public MimeType getMimeType() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public QName getExpectedRoot() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface XMLEventHandler public void addToXMLReader(XMLReader reader) throws SAXNotSupportedException, SAXNotRecognizedException { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface SAXRenderer public void setOutput(OutputStream out) throws IOException { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Renderer public MimeType getMimeType() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public QName getExpectedRoot() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Renderer public MimeType getMimeType() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public QName getExpectedRoot() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface DOMEventRenderer public void endElement(Document in, OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }
// methods of interface Adaptor public String getDescription() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public Parameter[] getUsage() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface Renderer public MimeType getMimeType() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } public QName getExpectedRoot() { return null; //todo: this method MUST be implemented! } // methods of interface DOM4JEventRenderer public void endElement(Document in, OutputStream out) throws Exception { //todo: this method MUST be implemented! }