JSAGA Release Notes

Release History

Version Date Description
1.2.0   Resource Management API
1.1.2 2014-08-28 Cream Fixes
1.1.1 2014-08-18 Fixes
1.1.0 2014-06-02 Library upgrades
1.0.2 2014-05-26 Fixes for Cream, VOMSMyProxy and DPM-SRM
1.0.1 2014-02-26 Fixes for SFTP, HTTP and CREAM adaptors
1.0.0 2014-01-24 Release based on JGlobus2
0.9.15 2012-12-11 Last release based on jglobus 1.8
0.9.14 2011-08-01 Compatible with SAGA Java Binding v1.1.1
0.9.13 2011-05-20  
0.9.12 2011-02-11 New plug-ins for ARC and Unicore
0.9.11 2011-01-13 Compatible with SAGA Java Binding v1.1
0.9.10 2010-10-05 New configuration engine
0.9.9-1 2010-08-25 Same as 0.9.9, but built from GIT with maven 2.2.1
0.9.9 2010-08-13  
0.9.8 2009-06-30  
0.9.7 2008-11-03 Interface stabilized: SAGA Java Binding v1.0
0.9.6 2008-09-26  
0.9.5 2008-09-04  
0.9.4 2008-06-26 Initial revision for Elis@
0.9.3 2008-05-31 Initial implementation of job collection management
0.9.2 2008-05-15  
0.9.1 2008-04-03 First release

Release 1.2.0

Type Changes By
add Implemented the SAGA ResourceManagement API sreynaud,lschwarz
add [Openstack adaptor] new resource adaptor for Openstack lschwarz
update [All adaptors] check the validity of provided attributes Fixes 7892. lschwarz
update [Cream adaptor] If the "delegationId" attribute is not provided, JSAGA will generate a random one (instead of hashing the certificate DN) Fixes 6215. lschwarz
update [rOCCI adaptor] upgrade to rocci-client v4.2.1 glarocca
fix [LFC adpator] Entries not properly closed lschwarz

Release 1.1.2 - 2014-08-28

Type Changes By
fix [Cream adaptor] Fix for delegation lifetime issue (if the initial proxy has less than 2 hours left) lschwarz
fix [Cream adaptor] Fix for Output sandboxes bug on some CreamCE lschwarz

Release 1.1.1 - 2014-08-18

Type Changes By
fix [VOMS/Globus adaptor] Conflict with class ProxyTypeMap Fixes 7617. lschwarz

Release 1.1.0 - 2014-06-02

Type Changes By
update GridFTP: removed the 10mn limit on file transfer lschwarz
update GridFTP: set default TCP buffer to 1MB lschwarz
remove SSH: attribute "CompressionLevel" is not supported yet lschwarz
update SFTP: increase buffer size from 1024 to 32768 when writing to SFTP lschwarz
remove Old SSH adaptor (urls like "DEPRECATED-SSH") has been removed lschwarz
update Upgrade Jglobus to 2.0.7-custom4. This release fixes a delegation issue with certificates using SHA-2 algo lschwarz
update Globus security adaptor: add attribute "ProxyType"="OLD|GLOBUS|RFC3820". Default is "RFC3820". Security context named "GlobusRFC3820" must be replaced by "Globus" with attribute "ProxyType"="RFC3820". Security context named "GlobusLegacy" must be replaced by "Globus" with attribute "ProxyType"="OLD". lschwarz
update MyProxy security adaptor: add attribute "ProxyType"="OLD|GLOBUS|RFC3820". Default is "RFC3820". lschwarz
update iRods: upgrade to jargon- lschwarz
remove SRB adaptor has been removed lschwarz
update Upgrade tests to JUnit4 lschwarz

Release 1.0.2 - 2014-05-26

Type Changes By
fix Cream: really fix: remaining axis2-tmp* after job finished (fix was not included in 1.0.1) Fixes 6270. lschwarz
fix VOMSMyProxy destroy: exception thrown if proxy does not exist Fixes 6408. lschwarz
fix VOMSMyProxy init: if the proxy does not exist, an exception is thrown instead of creating it Fixes 6410. lschwarz
fix DPM: DoesNotExistException when reading file on DPM server 1.8.8 Fixes 7188. lschwarz
fix DPM: AlreadyExists when writing file on DPM server 1.8.8 Fixes 7195. lschwarz

Release 1.0.1 - 2014-02-26

Type Changes By
fix SFTP: data corruption when writing to SFTP Fixes 6229. lschwarz
fix Cream: data staging with jdk7 > update5 Fixes 5893. lschwarz
fix Cream: data staging issue on CEs with Email in the DN Fixes 6020. lschwarz
fix Cream: fix potential issue when submitting job concurrently (threads) lschwarz
fix Cream: remaining axis2-tmp* after job finished Fixes 6270. lschwarz
fix HTTP: Basic authentication does not work Fixes 6252. lschwarz
fix Graphical Installer: missing files in /etc Fixes 6012. lschwarz

Release 1.0.0 - 2014-01-24

Type Changes By
add new SSH and SFTP adaptors based on the Ganymed library. URL prefixes have not changed ("ssh" for job and "sftp" for data). If you have a dependency on the ssh adaptor, use the artifactId "jsaga-adaptor-ssh3". The new SSH adaptor is compatible with the old SSH adaptor, except that the attribute "UserKey" has been replaced by "UserPrivateKey". It is still possible to use the old SSH adaptor ("jsaga-adaptor-ssh") with a context of type "DEPRECATED-SSH", and URL prefixes like "deprecated-ssh" and "deprecated-sftp". "jsaga-adaptor-ssh" is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. lschwarz
add New adaptor for Dirac lschwarz
add New adaptor for rOCCI Diego Scardaci, Giuseppe La Rocca
add VOMS: it is now possible to build a VOMS proxy from a Globus proxy (attribute "InitialUserProxy") Fixes 5306. lschwarz
add Implemented copy file metric on directory COPY/MOVE and thrid party COPY Fixes 5397, 5398, 5603. lschwarz
remove NAREGI adaptor has been removed lschwarz
remove WSGRAM adaptor has been removed lschwarz
remove SSH2 and batchSSH have been removed lschwarz
update Upgrade Grid adaptors to JGlobus2 (Globus, Cream, VOMS, LFC, SRM, WMS) lschwarz, jrevillard
update VOMS: New default value for "ProxyType": "RFC3820" instead of "old". lschwarz
update Globus, VOMS and MyProxy: JSAGA first uses the local proxy if it exists instead of generating it at context creation. See the FAQ of appropriate adaptors. Fixes 5618. lschwarz
update VOMS: to load an existing proxy as a string, use the "UserProxyString" instead of "UserProxy" lschwarz
update VOMS: Added a 5-minute tolerance on proxy start date Fixes 5850. lschwarz
update jsaga-* commands have been moved to "examples/" directory. Usage of these commands is not officially supported anymore and thus discouraged lschwarz
update JSAGA is now built with Maven3 lschwarz
fix VOMS: the extension lifetime is now the same as the proxy lifetime "attribute "LifeTime" lschwarz

Release 0.9.15 - 2012-12-11

Type Changes By
add New SSH adaptor based upon Ganymed-ssh2 library rreuillon
update Implementation of optional features for Cream lschwarz
fix Fix bug in external library vomsjapi rreuillon
add New job adaptor for GenesisII (BES implementation) lschwarz
add New data adaptor for Unicore lschwarz
add Support of StoRM implementation of SRM lschwarz
update Implementation of data staging for BES adaptor for Unicore lschwarz
update Separate job service attributes from data service attributes lschwarz
update Deprecated adaptor for unicore6 has been removed lschwarz
update Support of asynchronous SRM LS and fix for file size > 2GB lschwarz
fix Removed explicit filename encoding in SFTP adaptor lschwarz
fix Fixed various bugs in GridFTP adaptor lschwarz
update Upgrade cog-jglobus library from 1.4 to 1.8 lschwarz
update Support of numerical value (seconds) for security context lifetime lschwarz
update Support of recursive getSize() on directories lschwarz
add New security adaptor for Gnome and KDE desktops lschwarz
update Upgrade log4j from 1.2.8 to 1.2.16 for all modules lschwarz
fix Fix timeleft value for VOMSMyProxy credential lschwarz
fix Fixed various bugs in HTTP adaptor lschwarz

Release 0.9.14 - 2011-08-01

Type Changes By
update Upgrade saga-api to version 1.1.1 (enable simultaneous usage of multiple SAGA implementations) sreynaud
update the unique ID given by JSAGA to the Job plug-in has changed. It is now composed of digits and '-'. lschwarz
update Added configuration attribute "data.attributes.cache.lifetime" lschwarz
fix Fix the HTTPG URL problem in module jsaga-adaptor-srm jrevillard
update Some updates for JCE 1.4.5 in external module vomsjapi jrevillard

Release 0.9.13 - 2011-05-20

Type Changes By
update New URL implementation RFC-3986 compliant lschwarz
add New job adaptor for PBS batch system via SSH connection lschwarz
fix CREAM adaptor now uses the standard staging directory lschwarz
update SSH and local adaptors now support offline monitoring lschwarz
add New security adaptor UserPassStore (based on Linux .netrc) lschwarz
update Remove dependency on JDK 1.6 jrevillard
add Added configuration attribute "data.implicit.close.timeout" sreynaud
add Added supported features in jsaga-adaptor-linux module lschwarz
update Replace metric "job.sub_state" with standard metric "job.state_detail" with model "JSAGA" lschwarz
update Method Session.addContext() now initializes the context lschwarz
update Adaptor UserPass: user.name is now the default value for the user ID and there is no more default value for the password lschwarz
fix Many bugfixes lschwarz

Release 0.9.12 - 2011-02-11

Type Changes By
add Added adaptor for ARC (A-REX with BES interface) lschwarz
add Added adaptor for Unicore (with BES interface) lschwarz
update Use external LFC library jrevillard

Release 0.9.11 - 2011-01-13

Type Changes By
fix Fix bugs related to delegation in CREAM adaptor. sreynaud
update Major performance improvements on LFC adaptor. jrevillard
fix Fix bugs related to connection renewal in core engine. rreuillon
update Update SAGA Java Binding to version 1.1 (see https://git.in2p3.fr/public/jsaga/plain/saga-api/src/site/resources/CHANGES.txt). sreynaud
update Improvements and bugfixes on MyProxy adaptors. lschwarz

Release 0.9.10 - 2010-10-05

Type Changes By
update Replace configuration engine sreynaud

Release 0.9.9-1 - 2010-08-25

Type Changes By
update Use GIT instead of CVS sreynaud
update Use Maven 2.2.1 instead of 2.0.9 sreynaud

Release 0.9.9 - 2010-08-13

Type Changes By
update Improved data staging management in core engine. sreynaud
fix Fix problem with data staging in WMS plug-in. sreynaud
add Added support for dCache implementation in SRM plug-in. lschwarz

Release 0.9.8 - 2009-06-30

Type Changes By
add Added a per method/protocol configurable timeout. sreynaud
fix Bugfixes and improvments on plug-ins. sreynaud

Release 0.9.7 - 2008-11-03

Type Changes By
update Integrated version 1.0 of the reference Java Binding. sreynaud
add Added initial adaptor for NAREGI Super Scheduler. sreynaud

Release 0.9.6 - 2008-09-26

Type Changes By
update Renamed configuration files (jsaga-engine.properties -> jsaga-config.properties, jsaga-config.xml -> jsaga-universe.xml) sreynaud
add Add support for GSI to iRoDS and SRB plug-ins. pcalvat

Release 0.9.5 - 2008-09-04

Type Changes By
fix Fixed dependencies management in GUI installer. sreynaud

Release 0.9.4 - 2008-06-26

No changes in this release.

Release 0.9.3 - 2008-05-31

No changes in this release.

Release 0.9.2 - 2008-05-15

Type Changes By
add Added adaptors for SSH and fork. ndemesy

Release 0.9.1 - 2008-04-03

Type Changes By
add Engine made compliant to 'snapshot-1' of SAGA Java Binding. Management of Job Collections is still under development... sreynaud
add Added adaptors for gLite WMS, Globus WS-GRAM and Unicore 6. ndemesy