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1   package;
3   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.adaptor.base.defaults.Default;
4   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.adaptor.base.usage.*;
5   import;
6   import org.ogf.saga.context.Context;
7   import org.ogf.saga.error.IncorrectStateException;
8   import org.ogf.saga.error.NoSuccessException;
10  import*;
11  import java.util.Map;
13  /* ***************************************************
14  * *** Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 - Lyon (France) ***
15  * ***                ***
16  * ***************************************************
17  * File:   UserPassSecurityAdaptor
18  * Author: Sylvain Reynaud (
19  * Date:   19 juin 2007
20  * ***************************************************
21  * Description:                                      */
22  /**
23   *
24   */
25  public class UserPassSecurityAdaptor implements ExpirableSecurityAdaptor {
26      private static final String USERPASSFILE = "UserPassFile";
27      private static final int USAGE_INIT = 1;
28      private static final int USAGE_VOLATILE = 2;
29      private static final int USAGE_LOAD = 3;
31      public String getType() {
32          return "UserPass";
33      }
35      public Class getSecurityCredentialClass() {
36          return UserPassSecurityCredential.class;
37      }
39      public Usage getUsage() {
40          return new UAnd.Builder()
41                          .and(new U(Context.USERID))
42                          .and(new UOr.Builder()
43                                       .or(new UAnd.Builder()
44                                                   .id(USAGE_INIT)
45                                                   .and(new UHidden(Context.USERPASS))
46                                                   .and(new U(Context.LIFETIME))
47                                                   .and(new UFilePath(USERPASSFILE))
48                                                   .build()
49                                       )
50                                       .or(new U(USAGE_VOLATILE, Context.USERPASS))
51                                       .or(new UFile(USAGE_LOAD, USERPASSFILE))
52                                       .build()
53                          )
54                          .build();
55      }
57      public Default[] getDefaults(Map attributes) throws IncorrectStateException {
58          return new Default[]{
59                  new Default(Context.USERID, System.getProperty(""))
60          };
61      }
63      public SecurityCredential createSecurityCredential(int usage, Map attributes, String contextId) throws IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
64          try {
65              switch(usage) {
66                  case USAGE_INIT:
67                  {
68                      // get attributes
69                      String name = (String) attributes.get(Context.USERID);
70                      String password = (String) attributes.get(Context.USERPASS);
71                      int lifetime = (attributes.containsKey(Context.LIFETIME)
72                              ? UDuration.toInt(attributes.get(Context.LIFETIME))
73                              : 12*3600);
74                      File file = new File((String) attributes.get(USERPASSFILE));
76                      // encrypt password
77                      PasswordEncrypterSingleton crypter = new PasswordEncrypterSingleton(name, lifetime);
78                      String cryptedPassword = crypter.encrypt(password);
79                      int expiryDate = PasswordEncrypterSingleton.getExpiryDate(lifetime);
81                      // write to file
82                      DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
83                      out.writeBytes(cryptedPassword);
84                      out.close();
86                      // returns
87                      return new UserPassExpirableSecurityCredential(name, password, expiryDate);
88                  }
89                  case USAGE_VOLATILE:
90                  {
91                      return new UserPassSecurityCredential(
92                              (String) attributes.get(Context.USERID),
93                              (String) attributes.get(Context.USERPASS));
94                  }
95                  case USAGE_LOAD:
96                  {
97                      // get attributes
98                      String name = (String) attributes.get(Context.USERID);
99                      File file = new File((String) attributes.get(USERPASSFILE));
101                     // load from file
102                     byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) file.length()];
103                     DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
104                     in.readFully(buffer);
105                     in.close();
106                     String cryptedPassword = new String(buffer);
108                     // decrypt password
109                     PasswordDecrypterSingleton decrypter = new PasswordDecrypterSingleton(name);
110                     int expiryDate = decrypter.getExpiryDate();
111                     int currentDate = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000);
112                     String password;
113                     if (currentDate > expiryDate) {
114                         this.destroySecurityAdaptor(attributes, contextId);
115                         password = null;
116                     } else {
117                         password = decrypter.decrypt(cryptedPassword);
118                     }
119                     return new UserPassExpirableSecurityCredential(name, password, expiryDate);
120                 }
121                 default:
122                     throw new NoSuccessException("INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected exception");
123             }
124         } catch(IncorrectStateException e) {
125             throw e;
126         } catch(NoSuccessException e) {
127             throw e;
128         } catch(Exception e) {
129             throw new NoSuccessException(e);
130         }
131     }
133     public void destroySecurityAdaptor(Map attributes, String contextId) throws Exception {
134         File file = new File((String) attributes.get(USERPASSFILE));
135         if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) {
136             throw new Exception("Failed to delete file: "+file);
137         }
138     }
139 }