View Javadoc

1   package fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.file;
3   import;
4   import*;
5   import;
6   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.file.copy.*;
7   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.namespace.*;
8   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.url.URLHelper;
9   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.url.AbstractURLImpl;
10  import fr.in2p3.jsaga.sync.file.SyncFile;
11  import org.ogf.saga.SagaObject;
12  import org.ogf.saga.buffer.Buffer;
13  import org.ogf.saga.error.*;
14  import org.ogf.saga.file.*;
15  import org.ogf.saga.namespace.*;
16  import org.ogf.saga.session.Session;
17  import org.ogf.saga.url.URL;
19  import;
20  import java.util.List;
22  /* ***************************************************
23   * *** Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 - Lyon (France) ***
24   * ***                ***
25   * ***************************************************
26   * File:   AbstractSyncFileImpl
27   * Author: Sylvain Reynaud (
28   * Date:   29 mai 2009
29   * ***************************************************
30   * Description:                                      */
31  /**
32   *
33   */
34  public abstract class AbstractSyncFileImpl extends AbstractNSEntryImplWithStream implements SyncFile {
35      protected FileInputStream m_inStream;
37      /** constructor for factory */
38      protected AbstractSyncFileImpl(Session session, URL url, DataAdaptor adaptor, int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
39          super(session, URLHelper.toFileURL(url), adaptor, new FlagsHelper(flags).keep(JSAGAFlags.BYPASSEXIST, Flags.ALLNAMESPACEFLAGS));
40          boolean initOK = false;
41          try {
42          	this.init(flags);
43          	initOK = true;
44          } finally {
45          	if (!initOK) this.close();
46          }
47      }
49      /** constructor for */
50      protected AbstractSyncFileImpl(AbstractNSDirectoryImpl dir, URL relativeUrl, int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
51          super(dir, URLHelper.toFileURL(relativeUrl), new FlagsHelper(flags).keep(JSAGAFlags.BYPASSEXIST, Flags.ALLNAMESPACEFLAGS));
52          boolean initOK = false;
53          try {
54             this.init(flags);
55             initOK = true;
56          } finally {
57          	if (!initOK) this.close();
58          }
59      }
61      /** constructor for NSEntry.openAbsolute() */
62      protected AbstractSyncFileImpl(AbstractNSEntryImpl entry, String absolutePath, int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
63          super(entry, URLHelper.toFilePath(absolutePath), new FlagsHelper(flags).keep(JSAGAFlags.BYPASSEXIST, Flags.ALLNAMESPACEFLAGS));
64          boolean initOK = false;
65          try {
66             this.init(flags);
67             initOK = true;
68          } finally {
69          	if (!initOK) this.close();
70          }
71      }
73      private void init(int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
74          if(Flags.CREATEPARENTS.isSet(flags)) flags=Flags.CREATE.or(flags);
75          if(Flags.CREATE.isSet(flags)) flags=Flags.WRITE.or(flags);
76          new FlagsHelper(flags).allowed(JSAGAFlags.BYPASSEXIST, Flags.ALLFILEFLAGS);
77          if (Flags.WRITE.isSet(flags)) {
78              if (!Flags.CREATE.isSet(flags)) {
79  	            if (m_adaptor instanceof DataReaderAdaptor && !((DataReaderAdaptor)m_adaptor).exists(m_url.getPath(), m_url.getQuery())) {
80  	                throw new DoesNotExistException("File does not exist: "+ m_url);
81  	            }
82              }
83              try {
84                  this.tryToOpen(flags);
85              } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {  // thrown if parent does not exist
86                  if (Flags.CREATEPARENTS.isSet(flags)) {
87                      // make parent directories
88                      this._makeParentDirs();
89                      // retry
90                      this.tryToOpen(flags);
91                  } else {
92                      throw e;
93                  }
94              } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {
95                  if (Flags.EXCL.isSet(flags)) {
96                      throw e;
97                  } else {
98                      if (!Flags.APPEND.isSet(flags)) {
99                          // delete file first
100                         try {
101                             this.remove();
102                         } catch (IncorrectStateException e1) {
103                             throw e;
104                         }
105                     } else {
106                     	throw new NoSuccessException("Adaptor should not throw AlreadExistsException with flag APPEND");
107                     }
108                     // retry
109                     this.tryToOpen(flags);
110                 }
111             }
112         }
113         if (Flags.READ.isSet(flags)) {
114             m_inStream = FileFactoryImpl.openFileInputStream(m_session, m_url, m_adaptor);
115         }
116         if (Flags.READ.isSet(flags) || Flags.WRITE.isSet(flags)) {
117             // exists check already done
118         } else if (!JSAGAFlags.BYPASSEXIST.isSet(flags) && !((AbstractURLImpl)m_url).hasCache() && m_adaptor instanceof DataReaderAdaptor) {
119             boolean exists = ((DataReaderAdaptor)m_adaptor).exists(m_url.getPath(), m_url.getQuery());
120             if (! exists) {
121                 throw new DoesNotExistException("File does not exist: "+ m_url);
122             }
123         }
124     }
125     private void tryToOpen(int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
126         boolean append = Flags.APPEND.isSet(flags);
127         boolean exclusive = Flags.EXCL.isSet(flags);
128         try {
129             m_outStream = FileFactoryImpl.openFileOutputStream(m_session, m_url, m_adaptor, append, exclusive);
130         } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {
131             throw new DoesNotExistException("Failed to create parent directory", e.getCause());
132         }
133     }
134     /*private void tryToCreate(int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
135         boolean append = true;
136         boolean exclusive = Flags.EXCL.isSet(flags);
137         try {
138             FileOutputStream out = FileFactoryImpl.openFileOutputStream(m_session, m_url, m_adaptor, append, exclusive);
139             out.close();
140         } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {
141             throw new DoesNotExistException("Failed to create parent directory", e.getCause());
142         } catch (IOException e) {
143             throw new NoSuccessException(e);
144         }
145     }*/
147     /** clone */
148     public SagaObject clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
149         FileImpl clone = (FileImpl) super.clone();
150         clone.m_inStream = m_inStream;
151         return clone;
152     }
154     ///////////////////////////// override some NSEntry methods /////////////////////////////
156     /** override super.close() in order to close opened input and output streams */
157     public synchronized void close() throws NotImplementedException, NoSuccessException {
158         try {
159             if (m_outStream != null) {
160                 m_outStream.close();
161                 m_outStream = null;
162             }
163             if (m_inStream != null) {
164                 m_inStream.close();
165                 m_inStream = null;
166             }
167         } catch (IOException e) {
168             throw new NoSuccessException(e);
169         } finally {
170             super.close();
171         }
172     }
174     /** override super.removeSync() in order to close opened input and output streams */
175     public void removeSync(int flags) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
176         if (m_outStream != null) {
177             try {m_outStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {/*ignore*/}
178         }
179         if (m_inStream != null) {
180             try {m_inStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {/*ignore*/}
181         }
182         super.removeSync(flags);
183     }
185     /** implements super.copySync() */
186     public void copySync(URL target, int flags) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, DoesNotExistException, AlreadyExistsException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, IncorrectURLException {
187         this._copyAndMonitor(target, flags, null);
188     }
189     public void _copyAndMonitor(URL target, int flags, AbstractCopyTask progressMonitor) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, DoesNotExistException, AlreadyExistsException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, IncorrectURLException {
190         new FlagsHelper(flags).allowed(JSAGAFlags.PRESERVETIMES, Flags.DEREFERENCE, Flags.OVERWRITE, Flags.CREATEPARENTS);
191         if (Flags.DEREFERENCE.isSet(flags)) {
192             AbstractSyncNSEntryImpl entry = this._dereferenceEntry();
193             try {
194                 entry.copySync(target, flags - Flags.DEREFERENCE.getValue());
195             } finally {
196                 entry.close();
197             }
198             return; //==========> EXIT
199         }
200         URL effectiveTarget = this._getEffectiveURL(target);
201         if (m_outStream != null) {
202             try {m_outStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {/*ignore*/}
203         }
204         if (JSAGAFlags.PRESERVETIMES.isSet(flags)) {
205             // throw NotImplementedException if can not preserve times
206             long sourceTimes = this.getMTime();
207             AbstractNSEntryImpl targetEntry = super._getTargetEntry_checkPreserveTimes(effectiveTarget);
209             // copy
210             new FileCopy(m_session, this, m_adaptor).copy(effectiveTarget, flags, progressMonitor);
212             // preserve times
213             targetEntry.setMTime(sourceTimes);
214         } else {
215             // copy only
216             new FileCopy(m_session, this, m_adaptor).copy(effectiveTarget, flags, progressMonitor);
217         }
218     }
220     /** implements super.copyFromSync() */
221     public void copyFromSync(URL source, int flags) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, IncorrectURLException {
222         this._copyFromAndMonitor(source, flags, null);
223     }
224     public void _copyFromAndMonitor(URL source, int flags, AbstractCopyFromTask progressMonitor) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, IncorrectURLException {
225         new FlagsHelper(flags).allowed(JSAGAFlags.PRESERVETIMES, Flags.DEREFERENCE, Flags.OVERWRITE);
226         if (Flags.DEREFERENCE.isSet(flags)) {
227             AbstractSyncNSEntryImpl entry = this._dereferenceEntry();
228             try {
229                 entry.copyFromSync(source, flags - Flags.DEREFERENCE.getValue());
230             } finally {
231                 entry.close();
232             }
233             return; //==========> EXIT
234         }
235         URL effectiveSource = this._getEffectiveURL(source);
236         if (m_inStream != null) {
237             try {m_inStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {/*ignore*/}
238         }
239         if (JSAGAFlags.PRESERVETIMES.isSet(flags)) {
240             // throw NotImplementedException if can not preserve times
241             long sourceTimes = super._getSourceTimes_checkPreserveTimes(effectiveSource);
243             // copy
244             new FileCopyFrom(m_session, this, m_adaptor).copyFrom(effectiveSource, flags, progressMonitor);
246             // preserve times
247             this.setMTime(sourceTimes);
248         } else {
249             // copy only
250             new FileCopyFrom(m_session, this, m_adaptor).copyFrom(effectiveSource, flags, progressMonitor);
251         }
252     }
254     ////////////////////////////// class AbstractNSEntryImpl //////////////////////////////
256     /** timeout not supported */
257     public NSDirectory openAbsoluteDir(String absolutePath, int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
258         return new DirectoryImpl(this, absolutePath, flags);
259     }
261     /** timeout not supported */
262     public NSEntry openAbsolute(String absolutePath, int flags) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
263         if (URLHelper.isDirectory(absolutePath)) {
264             return new DirectoryImpl(this, absolutePath, flags);
265         } else {
266             return new FileImpl(this, absolutePath, flags);
267         }
268     }
270     /////////////////////////////////// interface File ///////////////////////////////////
272     public long getSizeSync() throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
273         if (m_adaptor instanceof FileReader) {
274             if (m_outStream != null) {
275                 try {m_outStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {/*ignore*/}
276             }
277         }
278         FileAttributes attrs = this._getFileAttributes();
279         long size = attrs.getSize();
280         if (size > -1) {
281             return size;
282         }
283         throw new NotImplementedException("Not supported for this protocol: "+ m_url.getScheme(), this);
284     }
286     public int readSync(Buffer buffer, int offset, int len) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
287         final int EOF = -1;
288         if (m_inStream == null) {
289             throw new IncorrectStateException("Reading file requires READ or READWRITE flags", this);
290         }
291         if (len < 0) {
292             throw new BadParameterException("Read length must have a positive value: "+len, this);
293         }
294         if (m_adaptor instanceof FileReader) {
295             int readlen;
296             try {
297                 byte[] bytes = buffer.getData();
298                 readlen =, offset, len);
299             } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {
300                 try {m_inStream.close();} catch (IOException e1) {/*ignore*/}
301                 throw new IncorrectStateException(e);
302             } catch (IOException e) {
303                 try {m_inStream.close();} catch (IOException e1) {/*ignore*/}
304                 throw new SagaIOException(e);
305             }
306             return readlen;
307         } else {
308             throw new NotImplementedException("Not supported for this protocol: "+ m_url.getScheme(), this);
309         }
310     }
311     public int readSync(Buffer buffer, int len) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
312         return this.readSync(buffer, 0, len);
313     }
314     public int readSync(Buffer buffer) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
315         return this.readSync(buffer, 0, buffer.getSize());
316     }
318     public int writeSync(Buffer buffer, int offset, int len) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
319         if (m_outStream == null) {
320             throw new IncorrectStateException("Writing file requires WRITE or READWRITE flags", this);
321         }
322         if (len < 0) {
323             throw new BadParameterException("Write length must have a positive value: "+len, this);
324         }
325         if (m_adaptor instanceof FileWriter) {
326             try {
327                 byte[] bytes = buffer.getData();
328                 m_outStream.write(bytes, offset, len);
329             } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {
330                 try {m_outStream.close();} catch (IOException e1) {/*ignore*/}
331                 throw new NoSuccessException(e);
332             } catch (IOException e) {
333                 try {m_outStream.close();} catch (IOException e1) {/*ignore*/}
334                 throw new SagaIOException(e);
335             }
336             return len;
337         } else {
338             throw new NotImplementedException("Not supported for this protocol: "+ m_url.getScheme(), this);
339         }
340     }
341     public int writeSync(Buffer buffer, int len) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
342         return this.writeSync(buffer, 0, len);
343     }
344     public int writeSync(Buffer buffer) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
345         return this.writeSync(buffer, 0, buffer.getSize());
346     }
348     public long seekSync(long offset, SeekMode whence) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
349         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
350     }
352     public void readVSync(IOVec[] iovecs) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
353         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
354     }
356     public void writeVSync(IOVec[] iovecs) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
357         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
358     }
360     public int sizePSync(String pattern) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, IncorrectStateException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
361         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
362     }
364     public int readPSync(String pattern, Buffer buffer) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
365         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
366     }
368     public int writePSync(String pattern, Buffer buffer) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
369         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
370     }
372     public List<String> modesESync() throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
373         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
374     }
376     public int sizeESync(String emode, String spec) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, IncorrectStateException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
377         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
378     }
380     public int readESync(String emode, String spec, Buffer buffer) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
381         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
382     }
384     public int writeESync(String emode, String spec, Buffer buffer) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException, SagaIOException {
385         throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented by the SAGA engine", this);
386     }
388     ////////////////////////////////// unofficial public methods //////////////////////////////////
390     public FileInputStream getFileInputStream() {
391         return m_inStream;
392     }
394     public FileOutputStream getFileOutputStream() {
395         return m_outStream;
396     }
398     public FileInputStream newFileInputStream() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
399         return FileFactoryImpl.openFileInputStream(m_session, m_url, m_adaptor);
400     }
402     public FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(boolean overwrite) throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectURLException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, BadParameterException, IncorrectStateException, AlreadyExistsException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
403         boolean append = false;
404         boolean exclusive = !overwrite;
405         return FileFactoryImpl.openFileOutputStream(m_session, m_url, m_adaptor, append, exclusive);
406     }
407 }