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1   package fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.job.instance;
3   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.adaptor.job.control.staging.StagingTransfer;
4   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.attributes.ScalarAttributeImpl;
5   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.attributes.VectorAttributeImpl;
6   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.monitoring.MetricMode;
7   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.monitoring.MetricType;
8   import org.ogf.saga.error.*;
9   import org.ogf.saga.job.Job;
11  import java.util.Date;
13  /* ***************************************************
14  * *** Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 - Lyon (France) ***
15  * ***                ***
16  * ***************************************************
17  * File:   JobAttributes
18  * Author: Sylvain Reynaud (
19  * Date:   18 janv. 2008
20  * ***************************************************
21  * Description:                                      */
22  /**
23   *
24   */
25  public class JobAttributes implements Cloneable {
26      ScalarAttributeImpl<String> m_JobId;
27      ScalarAttributeImpl<String> m_ServiceUrl;
28      VectorAttributeImpl<String> m_ExecutionHosts;
29      ScalarAttributeImpl<Date> m_Created;
30      ScalarAttributeImpl<Date> m_Started;
31      ScalarAttributeImpl<Date> m_Finished;
32      ScalarAttributeImpl<Integer> m_ExitCode;
33      /** deviation from SAGA specification */
34      ScalarAttributeImpl<String> m_NativeJobDescription;
35      /** deviation from SAGA specification */
36      VectorAttributeImpl<String> m_outputURLs;
38      /** constructor */
39      JobAttributes(final AbstractSyncJobImpl job) {
40          m_JobId = job._addAttribute(new ScalarAttributeImpl<String>(
41                  Job.JOBID,
42                  "SAGA representation of the job identifier",
43                  MetricMode.ReadOnly,
44                  MetricType.String,
45                  null));
46          m_ServiceUrl = job._addAttribute(new ScalarAttributeImpl<String>(
47                  Job.SERVICEURL,
48                  "URL representation of the JobService that created the job",
49                  MetricMode.ReadOnly,
50                  MetricType.String,
51                  null));
52          m_ExecutionHosts = job._addVectorAttribute(new VectorAttributeImpl<String>(
53                  Job.EXECUTIONHOSTS,
54                  "list of host names or IP addresses allocated to run this job",
55                  MetricMode.ReadOnly,
56                  MetricType.String,
57                  null) {
58              public String[] getValues() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
59                  if(job.getNativeJobId()==null) throw new IncorrectStateException("Job has not been submitted");
60                  String[] result = job.getJobInfoAdaptor().getExecutionHosts(job.getNativeJobId());
61                  if (result != null) {
62                      return result;
63                  } else {
64                      throw new IncorrectStateException("Attribute may not be initialized yet: "+Job.EXECUTIONHOSTS);
65                  }
66              }
67          });
68          m_Created = job._addAttribute(new ScalarAttributeImpl<Date>(
69                  Job.CREATED,
70                  "time stamp of the job creation in the resource manager",
71                  MetricMode.ReadOnly,
72                  MetricType.Time,
73                  new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) {
74              public String getValue() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
75                  if(job.getNativeJobId()==null) throw new IncorrectStateException("Job has not been submitted");
76                  Date result = job.getJobInfoAdaptor().getCreated(job.getNativeJobId());
77                  if (result != null) {
78                      return result.toString();
79                  } else {
80                      throw new IncorrectStateException("Attribute may not be initialized yet: "+Job.CREATED);
81                  }
82              }
83          });
84          m_Started = job._addAttribute(new ScalarAttributeImpl<Date>(
85                  Job.STARTED,
86                  "time stamp indicating when the job started running",
87                  MetricMode.ReadOnly,
88                  MetricType.Time,
89                  null) {
90              public String getValue() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
91                  if(job.getNativeJobId()==null) throw new IncorrectStateException("Job has not been submitted");
92                  Date result = job.getJobInfoAdaptor().getStarted(job.getNativeJobId());
93                  if (result != null) {
94                      return result.toString();
95                  } else {
96                      throw new IncorrectStateException("Attribute may not be initialized yet: "+Job.STARTED);
97                  }
98              }
99          });
100         m_Finished = job._addAttribute(new ScalarAttributeImpl<Date>(
101                 Job.FINISHED,
102                 "time stamp indicating when the job completed",
103                 MetricMode.ReadOnly,
104                 MetricType.Time,
105                 null) {
106             public String getValue() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
107                 if(job.getNativeJobId()==null) throw new IncorrectStateException("Job has not been submitted");
108                 Date result = job.getJobInfoAdaptor().getFinished(job.getNativeJobId());
109                 if (result != null) {
110                     return result.toString();
111                 } else {
112                     throw new IncorrectStateException("Attribute may not be initialized yet: "+Job.FINISHED);
113                 }
114             }
115         });
116         m_ExitCode = job._addAttribute(new ScalarAttributeImpl<Integer>(
117                 Job.EXITCODE,
118                 "process exit code",
119                 MetricMode.ReadOnly,
120                 MetricType.Int,
121                 null) {
122             public String getValue() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
123                 if(job.getNativeJobId()==null) throw new IncorrectStateException("Job has not been submitted");
124                 Integer result = job.getJobInfoAdaptor().getExitCode(job.getNativeJobId());
125                 if (result != null) {
126                     return result.toString();
127                 } else {
128                     throw new IncorrectStateException("Attribute may not be initialized yet: "+Job.EXITCODE);
129                 }
130             }
131         });
132         m_NativeJobDescription = job._addAttribute(new ScalarAttributeImpl<String>(
133                 AbstractSyncJobImpl.NATIVEJOBDESCRIPTION,
134                 "job description understood by the job service (deviation from SAGA specification)",
135                 MetricMode.ReadOnly,
136                 MetricType.String,
137                 null));
139         m_outputURLs = job._addVectorAttribute(new VectorAttributeImpl<String>(
140                 AbstractSyncJobImpl.OUTPUTURL,
141                 "output files staging URLs by the job service (deviation from SAGA specification)",
142                 MetricMode.ReadOnly,
143                 MetricType.String,
144                 null){
145         	public String[] getValues() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
146                 if(job.getNativeJobId()==null) throw new IncorrectStateException("Job has not been submitted");
147                 StagingTransfer[] stagingTransfers;
148 				try {
149 					stagingTransfers = job.getOutputStagingTransfer();
150 				} catch (Exception e) {
151 					throw new NoSuccessException(e);
152 				}
153                 if (stagingTransfers == null) {
154                     return null;
155                 }
156                 String[] result = new String[stagingTransfers.length];
157                 for (int i = 0; i < stagingTransfers.length; i++) {
158                 	result[i] = stagingTransfers[i].getTo();
159 				}
160                 return result;
161             }
162         });
163     }
165     /** clone */
166     public JobAttributes clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
167         JobAttributes clone = (JobAttributes) super.clone();
168         clone.m_JobId = m_JobId.clone();
169         clone.m_ServiceUrl = m_ServiceUrl.clone();
170         clone.m_ExecutionHosts = m_ExecutionHosts.clone();
171         clone.m_Created = m_Created.clone();
172         clone.m_Started = m_Started.clone();
173         clone.m_Finished = m_Finished.clone();
174         clone.m_ExitCode = m_ExitCode.clone();
175         clone.m_NativeJobDescription = m_NativeJobDescription.clone();
176         return clone;
177     }
178 }