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1   package fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.attributes;
3   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.helpers.SAGAPattern;
4   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.helpers.cloner.AttributeCloner;
5   import fr.in2p3.jsaga.impl.AbstractSagaObjectImpl;
6   import org.ogf.saga.SagaObject;
7   import org.ogf.saga.attributes.Attributes;
8   import org.ogf.saga.error.*;
9   import org.ogf.saga.session.Session;
11  import java.util.*;
12  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
13  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
15  /* ***************************************************
16  * *** Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 - Lyon (France) ***
17  * ***                ***
18  * ***************************************************
19  * File:   AbstractAttributesImpl
20  * Author: Sylvain Reynaud (
21  * Date:   12 juin 2007
22  * ***************************************************
23  * Description:                                      */
24  /**
25   *
26   */
27  public abstract class AbstractAttributesImpl extends AbstractSagaObjectImpl implements Attributes {
28      private Map<String,Attribute> m_attributes;
29      private boolean m_isExtensible;
31      /** constructor */
32      public AbstractAttributesImpl(Session session, boolean isExtensible) {
33          super(session);
34          m_attributes = new HashMap<String, Attribute>();
35          m_isExtensible = isExtensible;
36      }
37      /** constructor */
38      public AbstractAttributesImpl(Session session) {
39          this(session, false);
40      }
42      /** clone */
43      public SagaObject clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
44          AbstractAttributesImpl clone = (AbstractAttributesImpl) super.clone();
45          clone.m_attributes = new AttributeCloner<String>().cloneMap(m_attributes);
46          clone.m_isExtensible = m_isExtensible;
47          return clone;
48      }
50      public void setAttribute(String key, String value) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, IncorrectStateException, BadParameterException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
51          Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
52          if (attribute != null) {
53              if (attribute instanceof AttributeScalar) {
54                  ((AttributeScalar)attribute).setValue(value);
55              } else {
56                  throw new IncorrectStateException("Attempted to set scalar value on a vector attribute: "+key, this);
57              }
58          } else if (m_isExtensible) {
59              m_attributes.put(key, new DefaultAttributeScalar(key, value));
60          } else {
61              throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
62          }
63      }
65      public String getAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, IncorrectStateException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
66          Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
67          if (attribute != null) {
68              if (attribute instanceof AttributeScalar) {
69                  return ((AttributeScalar)attribute).getValue();
70              } else {
71                  throw new IncorrectStateException("Attempted to get scalar value from a vector attribute: "+key, this);
72              }
73          } else {
74              throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
75          }
76      }
78      public void setVectorAttribute(String key, String[] values) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, IncorrectStateException, BadParameterException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
79          Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
80          if (attribute != null) {
81              if (attribute instanceof AttributeVector) {
82                  ((AttributeVector)attribute).setValues(values);
83              } else {
84                  throw new IncorrectStateException("Attempted to set vector value on a scalar attribute: "+key, this);
85              }
86          } else if (m_isExtensible) {
87              m_attributes.put(key, new DefaultAttributeVector(key, values));
88          } else {
89              throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
90          }
91      }
93      public String[] getVectorAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, IncorrectStateException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
94          Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
95          if (attribute != null) {
96              if (attribute instanceof AttributeVector) {
97                  return ((AttributeVector)attribute).getValues();
98              } else {
99                  throw new IncorrectStateException("Attempted to get vector value from a scalar attribute: "+key, this);
100             }
101         } else {
102             throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
103         }
104     }
106     public void removeAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
107         if (!m_isExtensible) {
108             throw new NoSuccessException("Object does not support removing attributes", this);
109         }
110         Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
111         if (attribute != null) {
112             if (!attribute.isReadOnly()) {
113                 m_attributes.remove(key);
114             } else {
115                 throw new PermissionDeniedException("Attribute "+key+" not removable", this);
116             }
117         } else {
118             throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
119         }
120     }
122     public String[] listAttributes() throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
123         return m_attributes.keySet().toArray(new String[m_attributes.keySet().size()]);
124     }
126     public String[] findAttributes(String... patterns) throws NotImplementedException, BadParameterException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
127         List<String> foundKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
128         for (Attribute attribute : m_attributes.values()) {
129             if (matches(attribute, patterns)) {
130                 foundKeys.add(attribute.getKey());
131             }
132         }
133         return foundKeys.toArray(new String[foundKeys.size()]);
134     }
136     public boolean existsAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
137         return m_attributes.containsKey(key);
138     }
140     private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^=]*)(=(.*))?");
141     private static boolean matches(Attribute attribute, String... patterns) throws NotImplementedException, NoSuccessException {
142         for (String pattern : patterns) {
143             Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(pattern);
144             if (matcher.matches()) {
145                 String keyPattern =;
146                 Pattern keyRegexp = SAGAPattern.toRegexp(keyPattern);
147                 if (keyRegexp == null) {
148                     return true;    //found
149                 } else {
150                     if (keyRegexp.matcher(attribute.getKey()).matches()) {
151                         String valuePattern =;
152                         Pattern valueRegexp = SAGAPattern.toRegexp(valuePattern);
153                         if (valueRegexp == null) {
154                             return true;    //found
155                         } else {
156                             try {
157                                 if (attribute instanceof AttributeScalar) {
158                                     String value = ((AttributeScalar)attribute).getValue();
159                                     if (valueRegexp.matcher(value).matches()) {
160                                         return true;    //found
161                                     }
162                                 } else {
163                                     String[] values = ((AttributeVector)attribute).getValues();
164                                     for (String value : values) {
165                                         if (valueRegexp.matcher(value).matches()) {
166                                             return true;    //found (OR semantic)
167                                         }
168                                     }
169                                 }
170                             } catch (IncorrectStateException e) {
171                                 throw new NoSuccessException(e);
172                             }
173                         }
174                     }
175                 }
176             }
177         }
178         return false;   //not found
179     }
181     public boolean isReadOnlyAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
182         Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
183         if (attribute != null) {
184             return attribute.isReadOnly();
185         } else {
186             throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
187         }
188     }
190     public boolean isWritableAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
191         Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
192         if (attribute != null) {
193             return !attribute.isReadOnly();
194         } else {
195             throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
196         }
197     }
199     public boolean isRemovableAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
200         Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
201         if (attribute != null) {
202             return m_isExtensible;
203         } else {
204             throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
205         }
206     }
208     public boolean isVectorAttribute(String key) throws NotImplementedException, AuthenticationFailedException, AuthorizationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, DoesNotExistException, TimeoutException, NoSuccessException {
209         Attribute attribute = m_attributes.get(key);
210         if (attribute != null) {
211             return attribute instanceof AttributeVector;
212         } else {
213             throw new DoesNotExistException("Attribute "+key+" does not exist", this);
214         }
215     }
217     public boolean equals(AbstractAttributesImpl attributes) {
218         return m_attributes.equals(attributes.m_attributes);
219     }
221     //////////////////////////////////////////// protected methods ////////////////////////////////////////////
223     public AttributeScalar _addAttribute(AttributeScalar scalarAttribute) {
224         m_attributes.put(scalarAttribute.getKey(), scalarAttribute);
225         return scalarAttribute;
226     }
227     public AttributeVector _addVectorAttribute(AttributeVector vectorAttribute) {
228         m_attributes.put(vectorAttribute.getKey(), vectorAttribute);
229         return vectorAttribute;
230     }
231     public ScalarAttributeImpl _addAttribute(ScalarAttributeImpl scalarAttribute) {
232         m_attributes.put(scalarAttribute.getKey(), scalarAttribute);
233         return scalarAttribute;
234     }
235     public VectorAttributeImpl _addVectorAttribute(VectorAttributeImpl vectorAttribute) {
236         m_attributes.put(vectorAttribute.getKey(), vectorAttribute);
237         return vectorAttribute;
238     }
240     protected void _addAttribute(String key, String value) {
241         m_attributes.put(key, new DefaultAttributeScalar(key, value));
242     }
243     protected void _addUnsupportedAttribute(String key) {
244         m_attributes.put(key, new DefaultAttributeScalar(key, false, false, null));
245     }
246     public void _addReadOnlyAttribute(String key, String constantValue) {
247         m_attributes.put(key, new DefaultAttributeScalar(key, true, true, constantValue));
248     }
249     public void _addReadOnlyAttribute(String key, String[] constantValues) {
250         m_attributes.put(key, new DefaultAttributeVector(key, true, true, constantValues));
251     }
252     public Map _getAttributesMap() throws NotImplementedException, IncorrectStateException, NoSuccessException {
253         Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
254         for (Map.Entry<String, Attribute> entry : m_attributes.entrySet()) {
255             String key = entry.getKey();
256             Attribute attr = entry.getValue();
257             if (attr instanceof AttributeScalar) {
258                 String value = ((AttributeScalar)attr).getValue();
259                 if (value != null) {
260                     map.put(key, value);
261                 }
262             } else {
263                 // ignore vector attributes
264             }
265         }
266         return map;
267     }
268     protected boolean _containsAttributeKey(String key) {
269         return m_attributes.containsKey(key);
270     }
271 }