Table of content:


In order to create a test-suite for your adaptor, follow the following instructions:

  • create a test class in package 'integration'.
  • copy-paste the appropriate code from this web page to your test class.
  • remove inner-classes for the test-suites that your adaptor is NOT SUPPOSED to pass.
  • either remove methods for the tests that your adaptor is SUPPOSED to pass, or replace the text "TODO: explain why this test is ignored..." with the explanation.

For information about how to configure and run your test-suite, please look at the Contributors How To web page.

This document is generated from source code. It is applicable to the version of JSAGA that can be downloaded here.

Testing a security adaptor

The security test-suite can also be used when testing data or job adaptors, in order to initialize, check and destroy the security context needed to be authentified by the remote data/job server.

For example, in order to initialize the security context, enter:

mvn integration-test -Dtest={integration._MyGrid_TestSuite\$_MyGrid_ContextInit}
Copy-paste this code to your test class.
package integration;
import org.junit.*;
import org.ogf.saga.context.*;


public class _MyGrid_TestSuite {

    /** test cases */
    public static class _MyGrid_ContextInit extends ContextInitTest {
        public _MyGrid_ContextInit() throws Exception {super("mygrid");}
    public static class _MyGrid_ContextInfo extends ContextInfoTest {
        public _MyGrid_ContextInfo() throws Exception {super("mygrid");}
    public static class _MyGrid_ContextDestroy extends ContextDestroyTest {
        public _MyGrid_ContextDestroy() throws Exception {super("mygrid");}

Testing a data adaptor

If the tested adaptor only supports read operations, you must set up the test environment manually (see Contributors How To web page).

If the tested adaptor supports write operations, you should first test if the test environment set up properly, by using the SetUpTest class:

mvn integration-test -Dtest={integration._MyProtocol_TestSuite\$_MyProtocol_SetUpTest}

If the test environment set up fails with exception AlreadyExistsException, first clean it up with the DataCleanUp class.

package integration;

public class _MyProtocol_CleanUp extends DataCleanUp {
    public _MyProtocol_CleanUp() throws Exception {
        super("myprotocol", "myprotocol");

Testing a physical file adator

Copy-paste this code to your test class.
package integration;

public class _MyProtocol_TestSuite {

    public static class _MyProtocol_SetUpTest extends SetUpTest {
        public _MyProtocol_SetUpTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_setUp() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_DataReadOnlyMovementTest extends DataReadOnlyMovementTest {
        public _MyProtocol_DataReadOnlyMovementTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_and_rename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_nooverwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_lateExistenceCheck() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_norecurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse_nooverwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse_overwrite() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_LinkTest extends LinkTest {
        public _MyProtocol_LinkTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_isLink() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_readLink() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_link() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_link_dereferenced() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_EntryTest extends EntryTest {
        public _MyProtocol_EntryTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getURL() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getCWD() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getName() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_unexisting() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_DataMovementTest extends DataMovementTest {
        public _MyProtocol_DataMovementTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol", "myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename_directory() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_PermissionsTest extends PermissionsTest {
        public _MyProtocol_PermissionsTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_ownerEXECPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_ownerREADPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_ownerWRITEPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_groupEXECPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_groupREADPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_groupWRITEPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_otherEXECPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_otherREADPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_otherWRITEPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getOwner() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getGroup() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_WriteTest extends WriteTest {
        public _MyProtocol_WriteTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_write_nocreate() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_write_nooverwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_write_encoded_filename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_write_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_write_append() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_read_and_write() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_outputStream_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_outputStream_append() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_DirTest extends DirTest {
        public _MyProtocol_DirTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_open() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getSizeUrl() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getSizeRecursive() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_MakeDirTest extends MakeDirTest {
        public _MyProtocol_MakeDirTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
    public static class _MyProtocol_ReadTest extends ReadTest {
        public _MyProtocol_ReadTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getSize() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_read_applicationManagedBuffer() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_read() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_inputStream() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_seek() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol__to_EmulatorDataMovementTest extends DataMovementTest {
        public _MyProtocol__to_EmulatorDataMovementTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol", "test");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename_directory() throws Exception {}

Testing a logical file adator

Copy-paste this code to your test class.
package integration;

public class _MyProtocol_TestSuite {

    public static class _MyProtocol_SetUpTest extends SetUpTest {
        public _MyProtocol_SetUpTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_setUp() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_DataReadOnlyMovementTest extends DataReadOnlyMovementTest {
        public _MyProtocol_DataReadOnlyMovementTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_and_rename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_nooverwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_lateExistenceCheck() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_norecurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse_nooverwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse_overwrite() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_LinkTest extends LinkTest {
        public _MyProtocol_LinkTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_isLink() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_readLink() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_link() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_link_dereferenced() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_EntryTest extends EntryTest {
        public _MyProtocol_EntryTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getURL() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getCWD() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getName() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_unexisting() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_DataMovementTest extends DataMovementTest {
        public _MyProtocol_DataMovementTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol", "myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename_directory() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_PermissionsTest extends PermissionsTest {
        public _MyProtocol_PermissionsTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_ownerEXECPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_ownerREADPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_ownerWRITEPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_groupEXECPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_groupREADPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_groupWRITEPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_otherEXECPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_otherREADPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_otherWRITEPermissions() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getOwner() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getGroup() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_LogicalWriteTest extends LogicalWriteTest {
        public _MyProtocol_LogicalWriteTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_addLocation() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_removeLocation() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_updateLocation() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_replicate() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_LogicalMakeDirTest extends LogicalMakeDirTest {
        public _MyProtocol_LogicalMakeDirTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
    public static class _MyProtocol_LogicalDirMetaDataTest extends LogicalDirMetaDataTest {
        public _MyProtocol_LogicalDirMetaDataTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_listAttributes() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getAttribute() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_find() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_find_norecurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_find_recurse() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_LogicalDirTest extends LogicalDirTest {
        public _MyProtocol_LogicalDirTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_open() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_find() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_find_norecurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_find_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_isFile() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_LogicalReadTest extends LogicalReadTest {
        public _MyProtocol_LogicalReadTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_listLocations() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol__to_EmulatorDataReadOnlyMovementTest extends DataReadOnlyMovementTest {
        public _MyProtocol__to_EmulatorDataReadOnlyMovementTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_and_rename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_nooverwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_lateExistenceCheck() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_norecurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse_nooverwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_copy_recurse_overwrite() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol__to_EmulatorDataMovementTest extends DataMovementTest {
        public _MyProtocol__to_EmulatorDataMovementTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol", "test");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_move_recurse_overwrite() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_rename_directory() throws Exception {}

Testing a job adaptor

Copy-paste this code to your test class.
package integration;

public class _MyProtocol_TestSuite {

    public static class _MyProtocol_InteractiveTest extends InteractiveTest {
        public _MyProtocol_InteractiveTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_setStdin() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getStdout() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_getStderr() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_environnement() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_simultaneousStdin() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_InfoTest extends InfoTest {
        public _MyProtocol_InfoTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_exitcode() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_created() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_dates() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_execution_hosts() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_SandboxTest extends SandboxTest {
        public _MyProtocol_SandboxTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_remote_input_explicit() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_remote_output_explicit() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_input_output_explicit() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_input_output_implicit() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_output_only_implicit() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_output_workingDirectory() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_MinimalTest extends MinimalTest {
        public _MyProtocol_MinimalTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_OptionalTest extends OptionalTest {
        public _MyProtocol_OptionalTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_suspend_queued() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_suspend_running() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_suspend_done() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_resume_done() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_listJob() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_simultaneousLongJob() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_simultaneousShortJob() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_TaskContainer_ShortJob() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_RequirementsTest extends RequirementsTest {
        public _MyProtocol_RequirementsTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_inWorkingDirectory() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_queueRequirement() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_cpuTimeRequirement() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_memoryRequirement() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_processRequirement() throws Exception {}
    public static class _MyProtocol_RequiredTest extends RequiredTest {
        public _MyProtocol_RequiredTest() throws Exception {super("myprotocol");}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_long() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_run_error() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_cancel_running() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_cancel_new() throws Exception {}
        @Override @Test @Ignore("TODO: explain why this test is ignored...")
        public void test_cancel_done() throws Exception {}