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bbFTP Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: I am unable to download bbFTP from the FTP server
Q2: What is the bbFTP licence status?
Q3: Do I need both client and server to transfer files?
Q4: Are all versions of the client compatible with all versions of the server?
Q5: What do I need to make BBFTP work in passive mode?
Q6: Can a server support the connect-via-password and connect-via-ssh at the same time?
Q7: What port bbFTP uses for control and data transfer?
Q8: How can I get more information about client errors?
Q9: How can I get more information about server errors?
Q10: I get "BBFTP-ERROR-00061: Error waiting MSG_LOGGED_STDIN message" in SSH mode
Q11: I get "BBFTP-ERROR-00061 : Error waiting MSG_OK (on MSG_TRANS_START_V2) message" when I use the "-n" option
Q12: When I use the 'dir' or 'stat' or 'df' commands, the output is 'OK' but nothing more. Is this a bug?
Q13: When I use the 'stat' or 'df' commands, I get an error "BBFTP-ERROR-00100 : Unkown message in S_LOGGED state"

Q1: I am unable to download bbFTP from the FTP server
A1: Please check that your FTP client allows active mode. The firewall on our site does not allow passive mode connections.
If your FTP client cannot work in active mode (ie Communicator, MSIE<5...), you should use another client or connect directly to our FTP site with anonymous account (password is ident). Go to the pub/bbftp directory and get the requested archive.

Q2: What is the bbFTP licence status?
A2: bbFTP is provided under the
GNU General Public License.

Q3: Do I need both client and server to transfer files?
A3: Yes, since bbFTP implements its own protocol, a bbFTP client can only connect to a bbFTP server, and a bbFTP server can only receive connections from a bbFTP client.

Q4: Are all versions of the client compatible with all versions of the server?
  • bbftpd server 2.x.x and above works with all bbftp clients
  • bbftp client 2.x.x and above works only with bbftpd server version 2.x.x and above

Q5: What do I need to make BBFTP work in passive mode?
A5: You need to use client 3.x.x and above against a server 3.x.x and above. Other cases will work fine, but not in passive mode.

Q6: Can a server support the connect-via-password and connect-via-ssh at the same time?
A6: Yes, the same bbftpd executable can receive password connections and ssh connections.
  • To launch bbftpd as a daemon in background use "bbftpd -b". It can receive connections from client using a password.
  • At the same time, the same binary can be launched directly from the client via SSH ("bbftpd -s").

SSH mode is not compatible with certificates.
SSH mode is not compatible with private authentication.

Q7: What port bbFTP uses for control and data transfer?
A7: See
current documentation for more details

Q8: How can I get more information about client errors?
A8: Add the -V option to the bbFTP command.
Error messages are explained in the
errors page.

Q9: How can I get more information about server errors?
A9: The daemon writes errors in the syslog.

Q10: I get "BBFTP-ERROR-00061: Error waiting MSG_LOGGED_STDIN message" in SSH mode
A10: For some reason the bbftpd daemon could not be started by SSHD. If bbftpd was linked against dynamic libraries not found in standard paths (eg. /home/me/lib), this path must be added to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the $HOME/.ssh/environment file. See your SSH or SSHD manual for more details

Q11: I get "BBFTP-ERROR-00061 : Error waiting MSG_OK (on MSG_TRANS_START_V2) message" when I use the "-n" option
A11: Add the "-V" (verbose) option and check that the BBFTPD version that is targeted is >= 2.2.0-beta0. Former releases of the server will not understand this feature of the protocol.

Q12: When I use the 'dir' or 'stat' or 'df' commands, the output is 'OK' but nothing more. Is this a bug?
A12: These commands should be used with '-m' in order to produce the expected output. Not using this flag means the operation will be done but the only output will be 'OK' or 'FAILED'. This is mainly for these commands to have the same behaviour than all other commands.

Q13: When I use the 'stat' or 'df' commands, I get an error "BBFTP-ERROR-00100 : Unkown message in S_LOGGED state"
A13: This means the server does not support these commands. The server version must be > 3.1.0.

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