
  1. connector
  2. cache
  3. processor
  4. renderer
  5. serializer
  6. trigger
  7. validator
  8. authenticator


  1. IndexedFileCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor IndexedFileCache
  2. FileCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor FileCache
  3. IndexedMemoryCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor IndexedMemoryCache
  4. SynchronousCacheConnector: This adaptor synchronously caches XML data
  5. RotatingCacheConnector: This adaptor caches XML views and keep them, discarding the smallest keys first
  6. MemoryCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor MemoryCache
  7. EmptyCacheConnector: This adaptor always returns the same single XML element <_/>
  8. BaseXCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor BaseXCache
  9. PublicKeyConnector: This adapter gets the public part of the server X509 certificate. See configuration example:
  10. PathConnector: This adaptor generates a XML document that matches provided XPath
  11. LDAPConnector: This adaptor queries LDAP server
  12. RTDPConnector: This adaptor retrieves Real Time Data in JSON format from a HTTP(S) server, using cursor based pagination
  13. StandardInputConnector: This adaptor gets XML or non-XML data from standard input stream
  14. SetSystemPropertyConnector: This adaptor generates XML from a string
  15. XMLConnector: This adaptor generates XML events from local XML data (in particular other data views)
  16. MidiFileConnector: This adaptor converts standard MIDI file to XML
  17. XSLTConnector: This adaptor processes a XSLT stylesheet
  18. FileConnector: This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a file (support change notification)
  19. StringConnector: This adaptor dumps content of provided characters string
  20. HTTPConnector: This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a HTTP(S) server
  21. FileNotifiableConnector: This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a file
  22. ShellConnector: This adaptor runs the specified executable and pipes its standard output stream
  23. JMXOperationConnector: This adaptor invokes a JMX operation
  24. DirectoryConnector: This adaptor recursively list the files under the configured directory
  25. JMXConnector: This connector collects information about Lavoisier and its JVM through the JMX interface
  26. ConfigurationCheckingConnector: This adaptor processes the configuration file and dumps the result
  27. DiffConnector: This adaptor compares two XML documents, and outputs the differences between them
  28. JWTConnector: This adaptor is a connector for generating a Java Web Token (JWT)
  29. RemctlConnector: This adaptor is a connector for accessing remctl servers
  30. ScalaConnector: This adaptor interprets code written in Scala language
  31. SQLConnector: This adaptor queries SQL database and returns result as XML row-column format
  32. XPath2SQLConnector: This adaptor translates XPath expression in SQL query
  33. SFTPConnector: This adaptor retrieves raw data from a SFTP server
  34. SSHExecConnector: This adaptor retrieves the output of a command run on a remote SSH server
  35. TelnetConnector: This adaptor retrieves the output of a telnet connection


  1. EmptyCache: This adaptor does nothing else than enabling cache triggers
  2. MemoryCache: This adaptor caches XML data in memory (for small XML views)
  3. IndexedFileCache: This adaptor caches XML data into a set of files (for big XML views)
  4. FileCache: This adaptor caches XML data into a single file (for small XML views)
  5. IndexedMemoryCache: This adaptor caches XML data and index in memory (for small XML views)
  6. BaseXCache: This adaptor caches XML data into a BaseX database


  1. XPathValidatorProcessor: This processor throws exception, depending of existence of nodes matching the XPath expression
  2. MergeProcessor: This adaptor merges the element nodes matching the XPath expression with their first child element
  3. MultiMergeProcessor: This adaptor merges the element nodes matching the XPath expression with their children elements
  4. SelectAncestorProcessor: This processor selects nodes matching the XPath expression. Attribute @match must select the descendant of selected nodes, which satisfy the condition.
  5. CopyProcessor: This adaptor copies the nodes matching the XPath expression (in forward direction only)
  6. SelectGroupByProcessor: This adaptor groups selected nodes by the value matching the 'group_by' XPath expression
  7. RenameWithXPathProcessor: This adaptor replaces the qualified name of nodes matching the XPath expression
  8. SkeletonProcessor: This adaptor extract XML structure from input XML data
  9. EncodeProcessor: This adaptor encodes attribute values and text nodes
  10. TemplateGeneratorProcessor: This adaptor generate the skeleton of an XML template, according to input data
  11. RenameProcessor: This adaptor replaces the qualified name of nodes matching the XPath expression
  12. CDATAProcessor: This adaptor decodes content of text nodes and put it in CDATA sections. Result is an equivalent XML document.
  13. MoveProcessor: This adaptor moves the nodes matching the XPath expression (in forward direction only)
  14. LimitProcessor: This processor limits output to the specified number of XML element nodes
  15. InsertParentProcessor: This adaptor encapsulates the element nodes matching the XPath expression
  16. SelectProcessor: This processor selects nodes matching the XPath expression
  17. RemoveHeaderProcessor: This adaptor removes XML header (and other non-node events)
  18. EventListBuilderProcessor: This adaptor converts the input XML document into a list of XML events
  19. ChangeNamespaceProcessor: This adaptor changes the namespace of selected elements
  20. RemoveProcessor: This processor removes nodes matching the XPath expression
  21. ElementToAttributeProcessor: This adaptor converts child element nodes and their text content to attribute nodes
  22. RemoveNamespaceProcessor: This adaptor changes the namespace of selected elements
  23. XmlDumpProcessor: This adaptor does not modify the XML stream, it just dumps it into a file for debugging purpose
  24. SelectWindowProcessor: This processor select nodes of the window starting at 'offset' and ending at 'offset+length'
  25. AppendAggregateProcessor: This adaptor appends a child element under the element nodes matching the XPath expression
  26. ReplaceProcessor: This adaptor replaces selected nodes with new nodes
  27. CaseProcessor: This adaptor changes the case of node names
  28. TransformProcessor: This adaptor transforms the XML data
  29. SelectDistinctProcessor: This adaptor selects nodes grouped by the key matching the XPath expression
  30. InsertProcessor: This adaptor inserts new nodes
  31. LogProcessor: This adaptor log the specified message
  32. IndentProcessor: This adaptor indents XML
  33. BreakPointProcessor: This adaptor waits until property is set to true (for debugging)
  34. ExtractProcessor: This processor select the first subtree of the XML document


  1. XMLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to indented XML format
  2. LDIFRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to LDIF format
  3. CsvRenderer: This adaptor renders view to CSV format (Comma Separated Values)
  4. GZipRenderer: This adaptor renders view to zipped XML
  5. ZipRenderer: This adaptor renders view to zipped XML
  6. TerminalRenderer: This adaptor renders view to indented and syntax highlighted XML format
  7. ExcelRenderer: This renderer renders view to Excel spreadsheet
  8. DefaultRenderer: This renderer adds XML data headers to specify encoding and XSL stylesheet
  9. HTMLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to HTML
  10. JSONDeprecatedRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
  11. HXMLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to indented XML format
  12. SQLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to SQL INSERT statements
  13. TextRenderer: This adaptor renders view to plain text format
  14. RowColRenderer: This adaptor renders view to row-column XML format
  15. ChartRenderer: This adaptor renders view as chart
  16. ChartDeprecatedRenderer: This adaptor renders view as chart
  17. JSONRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
  18. JsonMLRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to JsonML (JSON Markup Language) format
  19. PDFRenderer: This adaptor renders view to PDF


  1. ZipSerializer: This adaptor unzips input data
  2. DeprecatedTextSerializer: This adaptor converts text data to XML data
  3. EncapsulateSerializer: This adaptor encapsulates any content into a CDATA section within entries and entry elements
  4. CSVSerializer: This adaptor converts CSV data to XML data
  5. ByteReplaceSerializer: This adaptor replaces a character with a string
  6. GZipSerializer: This adaptor gunzips input data
  7. SurroundSerializer: This adaptor surrounds bytes stream with header and footer
  8. ListSerializer: This adaptor converts CR-separated list into XML data in the 'entries' format
  9. PropertiesSerializer: This adaptor converts properties into XML data in the 'entries' format
  10. StringReplaceSerializer: This adaptor replaces a character with a string
  11. ByteEscapeSerializer: This adaptor enables filtering and/or converting bytes
  12. TextSerializer: This adaptor converts text data to XML data
  13. LDIFSerializer: This adaptor converts LDIF data to XML data
  14. FixedWidthSerializer: This adaptor converts text data with fixed column width to XML data (the same can be done with TextSerializer but with a significantly lower performance)
  15. HTMLSerializer: This adaptor converts data from HTML to XHTML
  16. JSONStreamSerializer: This adaptor converts data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to XML format
  17. JSONSerializer: This adaptor converts data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to XML format
  18. YAMLSerializer: This adaptor converts data in YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format to XML format
  19. INISerializer: This adaptor converts data from INI configuration file into XML data


  1. ViewNotifiedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when view is notified (i.e. when the REST operation 'notify' is invoked with the name of current view as parameter).
  2. CronTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh according to rules expressed with crontab syntax
  3. ViewCreatedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when view is created (i.e. at startup).
  4. FixedTimeTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when date occurs
  5. DeltaTimeTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when time is elapsed
  6. ViewAccessedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when the view is accessed.
  7. DependencyRefreshedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when the cache of the specified dependency views have been refreshed


  1. SkeletonValidator: This adaptor validates XML data against a XML skeleton
  2. PathValidator: This adaptor validates the XML data against a simple path (if XPath is needed, then use the processor XPathValidatorProcessor instead)
  3. XSDValidator: This adaptor validates XML data against a XML Schema (XSD)
  4. RelaxNGValidator: This adaptor validates XML data against a Relax-NG schema


  1. X509Authenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with X509 certificate
  2. CookieAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with the session cookie
  3. KerberosHTMLFormAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against Kerberos 5, using a HTML form
  4. CASAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with CAS (Central Authentication Service)
  5. WhiteListHTMLFormAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against a white-list, using a HTML form
  6. KerberosHTTPBasicAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against Kerberos 5, using HTTP Basic Authentication
  7. OAuth2Authenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with OAuth2
  8. IPAddressAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with his IP address
  9. GuestAuthenticator: This adaptor bypasses authentication and gives name 'guest' to user
  10. WhiteListHTTPBasicAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against a white-list, using HTTP Basic Authentication
  11. SAML2Authenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with SAML v2









IndexedFileCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor IndexedFileCache
<!-- This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor IndexedFileCache -->
<connector type="IndexedFileCacheConnector">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then cache is gzipped (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="gzip">false</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The namespace prefix to URI mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

FileCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor FileCache
<!-- This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor FileCache -->
<connector type="FileCacheConnector">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then cache is gzipped (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="gzip">false</parameter>

IndexedMemoryCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor IndexedMemoryCache
<!-- This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor IndexedMemoryCache -->
<connector type="IndexedMemoryCacheConnector">
    <!-- optional: The key document in map (default is view name) (String) -->
    <parameter name="key"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Composition of the index (List) -->
    <parameter name="index-template"></parameter>

SynchronousCacheConnector: This adaptor synchronously caches XML data
<!-- This adaptor synchronously caches XML data -->
<connector type="SynchronousCacheConnector">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- required: The content of the current data view to put in cache (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="content"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The time-to-live of the cache in seconds (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="ttl"></parameter>

RotatingCacheConnector: This adaptor caches XML views and keep them, discarding the smallest keys first
<!-- This adaptor caches XML views and keep them, discarding the smallest keys first -->
<connector type="RotatingCacheConnector">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The content of the current data view to put in cache (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="content"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The key of the current data view to put in cache (String) -->
    <parameter name="key"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The number of data views kept in the cache (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="size"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The cache mode: RW: Read if key exists, else Write (default mode) | R: Read if key exists, else fails | W: overWrite if key exists, else Write | DEL: Delete if key exists, else fails (RW|R|W|DEL) -->
    <parameter name="mode">RW</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Automatically remove unreferenced files (do not activate this option in case of concurrent access) (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="cleanup">false</parameter>

MemoryCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor MemoryCache
<!-- This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor MemoryCache -->
<connector type="MemoryCacheConnector">
    <!-- optional: The key document in map (default is view name) (String) -->
    <parameter name="key"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The namespace prefix to URI mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

EmptyCacheConnector: This adaptor always returns the same single XML element &lt;_/&gt;
<!-- This adaptor always returns the same single XML element &lt;_/&gt; -->
<connector type="EmptyCacheConnector">

BaseXCacheConnector: This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor BaseXCache
<!-- This adaptor retrieves data from cache created with adaptor BaseXCache -->
<connector type="BaseXCacheConnector">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The namespace prefix to URI mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

PublicKeyConnector: This adapter gets the public part of the server X509 certificate. See configuration example:
<!-- This adapter gets the public part of the server X509 certificate. See configuration example: -->
<connector type="PublicKeyConnector">
    <!-- required: The URL of the data to download (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

PathConnector: This adaptor generates a XML document that matches provided XPath
<!-- This adaptor generates a XML document that matches provided XPath -->
<connector type="PathConnector">
    <!-- optional: The template for generated XML documents (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="template"></parameter>

    <!-- required: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

LDAPConnector: This adaptor queries LDAP server
<!-- This adaptor queries LDAP server -->
<connector type="LDAPConnector">
    <!-- required: The LDAP server url (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The path (String) -->
    <parameter name="path"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The filter (see RFC 2254 for more information) (String) -->
    <parameter name="filter">objectclass=*</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The returning attributes (List) -->
    <parameter name="attributes"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The DN used for authentication (String) -->
    <parameter name="dn"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The password used for authentication (String) -->
    <parameter name="password"></parameter>

RTDPConnector: This adaptor retrieves Real Time Data in JSON format from a HTTP(S) server, using cursor based pagination
<!-- This adaptor retrieves Real Time Data in JSON format from a HTTP(S) server, using cursor based pagination -->
<connector type="RTDPConnector">
    <!-- required: The start URL (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

StandardInputConnector: This adaptor gets XML or non-XML data from standard input stream
<!-- This adaptor gets XML or non-XML data from standard input stream -->
<connector type="StandardInputConnector">

SetSystemPropertyConnector: This adaptor generates XML from a string
<!-- This adaptor generates XML from a string -->
<connector type="SetSystemPropertyConnector">
    <!-- required: the property name (String) -->
    <parameter name="name"></parameter>

    <!-- required: the property value (String) -->
    <parameter name="value"></parameter>

XMLConnector: This adaptor generates XML events from local XML data (in particular other data views)
<!-- This adaptor generates XML events from local XML data (in particular other data views) -->
<connector type="XMLConnector">
    <!-- required: Input XML data (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="content"></parameter>

MidiFileConnector: This adaptor converts standard MIDI file to XML
<!-- This adaptor converts standard MIDI file to XML -->
<connector type="MidiFileConnector">
    <!-- required: File location: can be a path relative to classpath, an absolute path or an URL. (String) -->
    <parameter name="path"></parameter>

XSLTConnector: This adaptor processes a XSLT stylesheet
<!-- This adaptor processes a XSLT stylesheet -->
<connector type="XSLTConnector">
    <!-- required: The XSLT stylesheet (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="stylesheet"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The input XML document (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="input"><dummy/></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The additional XML documents (Map) -->
    <parameter name="documents"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The stylesheet parameters (Map) -->
    <parameter name="parameters"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then output will be indented (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="indent">false</parameter>

FileConnector: This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a file (support change notification)
<!-- This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a file (support change notification) -->
<connector type="FileConnector">
    <!-- required: File location: can be a path relative to classpath, an absolute path or an URL. (String) -->
    <parameter name="path"></parameter>

StringConnector: This adaptor dumps content of provided characters string
<!-- This adaptor dumps content of provided characters string -->
<connector type="StringConnector">
    <!-- required: the string value (String) -->
    <parameter name="content"></parameter>

HTTPConnector: This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a HTTP(S) server
<!-- This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a HTTP(S) server -->
<connector type="HTTPConnector">
    <!-- required: The URL of the data to download (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The message to post to server (String) -->
    <parameter name="post"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The HTTP request method (GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE) -->
    <parameter name="method">GET</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The HTTP header (Map) -->
    <parameter name="header"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The X509 certificate (String) -->
    <parameter name="certificate"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The passphrase of the X509 certificate (String) -->
    <parameter name="passphrase"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: timeout (in seconds) for connecting (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="connect-timeout">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: timeout (in seconds) for reading (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="read-timeout">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If false, the HTTP redirection will be forbidden between different protocols (http / https) (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="force-redirect">false</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The default value to be returned when HTTP status code 204 is received (String) -->
    <parameter name="default"></parameter>

FileNotifiableConnector: This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a file
<!-- This adaptor retrieves XML or non-XML data from a file -->
<connector type="FileNotifiableConnector">
    <!-- required: Path to the file (File) -->
    <parameter name="path"></parameter>

ShellConnector: This adaptor runs the specified executable and pipes its standard output stream
<!-- This adaptor runs the specified executable and pipes its standard output stream -->
<connector type="ShellConnector">
    <!-- required: The executable to run (String) -->
    <parameter name="executable"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The executable arguments (List) -->
    <parameter name="arguments"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The environment variables to set before execution (Map) -->
    <parameter name="variables"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The working directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="workdir">/pbs/home/s/sreynaud</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The content sent to standard input stream (String) -->
    <parameter name="stdin"></parameter>

JMXOperationConnector: This adaptor invokes a JMX operation
<!-- This adaptor invokes a JMX operation -->
<connector type="JMXOperationConnector">
    <!-- required: The domain of the MBean to select (String) -->
    <parameter name="domain"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The type of the MBean to select (String) -->
    <parameter name="type"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The name of the MBean to select (String) -->
    <parameter name="name"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The name of the MBean operation to invoke (String) -->
    <parameter name="operation"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The arguments of the MBean operation (List) -->
    <parameter name="arguments"></parameter>

DirectoryConnector: This adaptor recursively list the files under the configured directory
<!-- This adaptor recursively list the files under the configured directory -->
<connector type="DirectoryConnector">
    <!-- required: Path to the directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="directory"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Maximum depth of generated XML tree (deeper entries will be ignored) (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="maxDepth">2147483647</parameter>

JMXConnector: This connector collects information about Lavoisier and its JVM through the JMX interface
<!-- This connector collects information about Lavoisier and its JVM through the JMX interface -->
<connector type="JMXConnector">
    <!-- optional: The domain of the MBean to select (String) -->
    <parameter name="domain"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The type of the MBean to select (String) -->
    <parameter name="type"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The name of the MBean to select (String) -->
    <parameter name="name"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The name of the MBean attribute to select (String) -->
    <parameter name="attribute"></parameter>

ConfigurationCheckingConnector: This adaptor processes the configuration file and dumps the result
<!-- This adaptor processes the configuration file and dumps the result -->
<connector type="ConfigurationCheckingConnector">

DiffConnector: This adaptor compares two XML documents, and outputs the differences between them
<!-- This adaptor compares two XML documents, and outputs the differences between them -->
<connector type="DiffConnector">
    <!-- required: The first XML document to compare (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="document1"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The second XML document to compare (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="document2"></parameter>

JWTConnector: This adaptor is a connector for generating a Java Web Token (JWT)
<!-- This adaptor is a connector for generating a Java Web Token (JWT) -->
<connector type="JWTConnector">
    <!-- required: The secret value (String) -->
    <parameter name="secret-value"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The connected app secret ID (String) -->
    <parameter name="kid"></parameter>

    <!-- required: Unique issuer URI that identifies the trusted connect app and its signing key (String) -->
    <parameter name="iss"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: JWT signing algorithm (HS256|HS384|HS512|RS256|RS384|RS512|ES256|ES256K|ES384|ES512|PS256|PS384|PS512|EdDSA) -->
    <parameter name="alg">HS256</parameter>

    <!-- required: Subject is the user name (email address) of the authenticated user (String) -->
    <parameter name="sub"></parameter>

    <!-- required: Audience (String) -->
    <parameter name="aud"></parameter>

    <!-- required: Expiration time of the JWT in minutes. A valid JWT must not be expired. Its expiration time must be within the maximum validity period, which is 10 minutes (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="exp"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The JWT ID claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT and is case sensitive (String) -->
    <parameter name="jti">48d4f0d8-d444-4c17-bc3c-233536a20f3b</parameter>

    <!-- required: The list of scopes (this is application-dependant) (List) -->
    <parameter name="scp"></parameter>

RemctlConnector: This adaptor is a connector for accessing remctl servers
<!-- This adaptor is a connector for accessing remctl servers -->
<connector type="RemctlConnector">
    <!-- required: The server URL (e.g. remctl://hostname:4373) (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The Kerberos configuration file (File) -->
    <parameter name="krb5conf">/etc/krb5.conf</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The Kerberos principal (String) -->
    <parameter name="principal">sreynaud</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The Kerberos keytab (File) -->
    <parameter name="keyTab">/pbs/home/s/sreynaud/krb5.keytab</parameter>

    <!-- required: The list of arguments which represent the command to run (List) -->
    <parameter name="command"></parameter>

ScalaConnector: This adaptor interprets code written in Scala language
<!-- This adaptor interprets code written in Scala language -->
<connector type="ScalaConnector">
    <!-- required: The Scala script to execute (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="script"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The arguments of the view (Map) -->
    <parameter name="arguments"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The XML documents available view the document() function (Map) -->
    <parameter name="documents"></parameter>

SQLConnector: This adaptor queries SQL database and returns result as XML row-column format
<!-- This adaptor queries SQL database and returns result as XML row-column format -->
<connector type="SQLConnector">
    <!-- required: The JDBC driver (String) -->
    <parameter name="driver"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The connection URL (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The user name (String) -->
    <parameter name="username"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The user password (String) -->
    <parameter name="password"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The SQL query to execute (String) -->
    <parameter name="query"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The parameters of the SQL query (List) -->
    <parameter name="parameters"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The query timeout in seconds (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="timeout"></parameter>

XPath2SQLConnector: This adaptor translates XPath expression in SQL query
<!-- This adaptor translates XPath expression in SQL query -->
<connector type="XPath2SQLConnector">
    <!-- required: The XPath expression to translate (String) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The foreign keys map: table1.column1 (the foreign key) -> table2.column2 (the referenced column) (Map) -->
    <parameter name="foreign-keys"></parameter>

SFTPConnector: This adaptor retrieves raw data from a SFTP server
<!-- This adaptor retrieves raw data from a SFTP server -->
<connector type="SFTPConnector">
    <!-- required: The URL of the remote server (for SSHExec) or data to download (for SFTP) (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The user on the remote SSH server (String) -->
    <parameter name="user">sreynaud</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Path to the private key used to connect (String) -->
    <parameter name="key"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Path to the public key used to connect (String) -->
    <parameter name="publickey"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The password of the remote user or the passphrase of the private key (String) -->
    <parameter name="password"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The known_hosts file on the client (String) -->
    <parameter name="knownhosts">/pbs/home/s/sreynaud/.ssh/known_hosts</parameter>

SSHExecConnector: This adaptor retrieves the output of a command run on a remote SSH server
<!-- This adaptor retrieves the output of a command run on a remote SSH server -->
<connector type="SSHExecConnector">
    <!-- required: The URL of the remote server (for SSHExec) or data to download (for SFTP) (String) -->
    <parameter name="url"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The user on the remote SSH server (String) -->
    <parameter name="user">sreynaud</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Path to the private key used to connect (String) -->
    <parameter name="key"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Path to the public key used to connect (String) -->
    <parameter name="publickey"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The password of the remote user or the passphrase of the private key (String) -->
    <parameter name="password"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The known_hosts file on the client (String) -->
    <parameter name="knownhosts">/pbs/home/s/sreynaud/.ssh/known_hosts</parameter>

    <!-- required: The remote command to run (String) -->
    <parameter name="command"></parameter>

TelnetConnector: This adaptor retrieves the output of a telnet connection
<!-- This adaptor retrieves the output of a telnet connection -->
<connector type="TelnetConnector">
    <!-- required: The host name (String) -->
    <parameter name="host"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The telnet port (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="port"></parameter>


EmptyCache: This adaptor does nothing else than enabling cache triggers
<!-- This adaptor does nothing else than enabling cache triggers -->
<cache type="EmptyCache">

MemoryCache: This adaptor caches XML data in memory (for small XML views)
<!-- This adaptor caches XML data in memory (for small XML views) -->
<cache type="MemoryCache">
    <!-- optional: The key document in map (default is view name) (String) -->
    <parameter name="key"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The namespace prefix to URI mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

IndexedFileCache: This adaptor caches XML data into a set of files (for big XML views)
<!-- This adaptor caches XML data into a set of files (for big XML views) -->
<cache type="IndexedFileCache">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then cache is gzipped (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="gzip">false</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The namespace prefix to URI mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

    <!-- required: Depth of the cache index (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="index_depth"></parameter>

FileCache: This adaptor caches XML data into a single file (for small XML views)
<!-- This adaptor caches XML data into a single file (for small XML views) -->
<cache type="FileCache">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then cache is gzipped (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="gzip">false</parameter>

IndexedMemoryCache: This adaptor caches XML data and index in memory (for small XML views)
<!-- This adaptor caches XML data and index in memory (for small XML views) -->
<cache type="IndexedMemoryCache">
    <!-- optional: The key document in map (default is view name) (String) -->
    <parameter name="key"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Composition of the index (List) -->
    <parameter name="index-template"></parameter>

BaseXCache: This adaptor caches XML data into a BaseX database
<!-- This adaptor caches XML data into a BaseX database -->
<cache type="BaseXCache">
    <!-- optional: Path to the cache base directory (File) -->
    <parameter name="baseDirectory">/tmp/lavoisier-cache</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The namespace prefix to URI mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: XPath expression used to filter parts of the view (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="xpath"></parameter>


XPathValidatorProcessor: This processor throws exception, depending of existence of nodes matching the XPath expression
<!-- This processor throws exception, depending of existence of nodes matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="XPathValidatorProcessor">
    <!-- optional: If value is true (default), then fail if selected node does not exist. If value is false, then fail if selected node exists. (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="exist">true</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The error message. (String) -->
    <parameter name="message"></parameter>

MergeProcessor: This adaptor merges the element nodes matching the XPath expression with their first child element
<!-- This adaptor merges the element nodes matching the XPath expression with their first child element -->
<processor type="MergeProcessor">

MultiMergeProcessor: This adaptor merges the element nodes matching the XPath expression with their children elements
<!-- This adaptor merges the element nodes matching the XPath expression with their children elements -->
<processor type="MultiMergeProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The number of subsequent merges (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="count">1</parameter>

SelectAncestorProcessor: This processor selects nodes matching the XPath expression. Attribute @match must select the descendant of selected nodes, which satisfy the condition.
<!-- This processor selects nodes matching the XPath expression.
Attribute @match must select the descendant of selected nodes, which satisfy the condition. -->
<processor type="SelectAncestorProcessor">
    <!-- optional: If true, then exception is thrown when several nodes are selected, and the selected node is not encapsulated into 'entries' element (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="single_node">false</parameter>

    <!-- required: Relative path to the ancestor node to select (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="ancestor"></parameter>

CopyProcessor: This adaptor copies the nodes matching the XPath expression (in forward direction only)
<!-- This adaptor copies the nodes matching the XPath expression (in forward direction only) -->
<processor type="CopyProcessor">
    <!-- optional: Axis for searching context element of destination (following_sibling|ancestor) -->
    <parameter name="destination_axis">following_sibling</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Qualified name of context element of destination (QName) -->
    <parameter name="destination_name">*</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Predicate for searching context element of destination (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="destination_predicate"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Destination of selected nodes (preceding_sibling|following_sibling|first_child|last_child) -->
    <parameter name="destination_as">last_child</parameter>

SelectGroupByProcessor: This adaptor groups selected nodes by the value matching the 'group_by' XPath expression
<!-- This adaptor groups selected nodes by the value matching the 'group_by' XPath expression -->
<processor type="SelectGroupByProcessor">
    <!-- required: Relative path to the key to group nodes (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="group_by"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: A XPath expression applied to key node (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="expression"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The sort type. If this parameter is set, then the result is sorted (text|number|date|unsorted) -->
    <parameter name="sort_type">unsorted</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then sort order is descending, else it is ascending (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="sort_descending">false</parameter>

RenameWithXPathProcessor: This adaptor replaces the qualified name of nodes matching the XPath expression
<!-- This adaptor replaces the qualified name of nodes matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="RenameWithXPathProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The new qualified name of selected nodes (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="node_name"></parameter>

SkeletonProcessor: This adaptor extract XML structure from input XML data
<!-- This adaptor extract XML structure from input XML data -->
<processor type="SkeletonProcessor">

EncodeProcessor: This adaptor encodes attribute values and text nodes
<!-- This adaptor encodes attribute values and text nodes -->
<processor type="EncodeProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The target charset (see (US_ASCII|ISO_8859_1|UTF_8|UTF_16BE|UTF_16LE|UTF_16) -->
    <parameter name="encoding">UTF_8</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then the case of all descendant nodes is changed (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="recursive">true</parameter>

TemplateGeneratorProcessor: This adaptor generate the skeleton of an XML template, according to input data
<!-- This adaptor generate the skeleton of an XML template, according to input data -->
<processor type="TemplateGeneratorProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The prefix to namespace mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

RenameProcessor: This adaptor replaces the qualified name of nodes matching the XPath expression
<!-- This adaptor replaces the qualified name of nodes matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="RenameProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The new qualified name of selected nodes (QName) -->
    <parameter name="node_name"></parameter>

CDATAProcessor: This adaptor decodes content of text nodes and put it in CDATA sections. Result is an equivalent XML document.
<!-- This adaptor decodes content of text nodes and put it in CDATA sections. Result is an equivalent XML document. -->
<processor type="CDATAProcessor">
    <!-- optional: If true, then the case of all descendant nodes is changed (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="recursive">true</parameter>

MoveProcessor: This adaptor moves the nodes matching the XPath expression (in forward direction only)
<!-- This adaptor moves the nodes matching the XPath expression (in forward direction only) -->
<processor type="MoveProcessor">
    <!-- optional: Axis for searching context element of destination (following_sibling|ancestor) -->
    <parameter name="destination_axis">following_sibling</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Qualified name of context element of destination (QName) -->
    <parameter name="destination_name">*</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Predicate for searching context element of destination (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="destination_predicate"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Destination of selected nodes (preceding_sibling|following_sibling|first_child|last_child) -->
    <parameter name="destination_as">last_child</parameter>

LimitProcessor: This processor limits output to the specified number of XML element nodes
<!-- This processor limits output to the specified number of XML element nodes -->
<processor type="LimitProcessor">
    <!-- required: The maximum number of XML element nodes (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="size"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then the case of all descendant nodes is changed (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="recursive">true</parameter>

InsertParentProcessor: This adaptor encapsulates the element nodes matching the XPath expression
<!-- This adaptor encapsulates the element nodes matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="InsertParentProcessor">
    <!-- required: The qualified name of inserted element (QName) -->
    <parameter name="node_name"></parameter>

SelectProcessor: This processor selects nodes matching the XPath expression
<!-- This processor selects nodes matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="SelectProcessor">
    <!-- optional: Elements above this depth (relative to selected node) will not be selected (0 = infinite depth) (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="depth">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then exception is thrown when several nodes are selected, and the selected node is not encapsulated into 'entries' element (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="single_node">false</parameter>

RemoveHeaderProcessor: This adaptor removes XML header (and other non-node events)
<!-- This adaptor removes XML header (and other non-node events) -->
<processor type="RemoveHeaderProcessor">

EventListBuilderProcessor: This adaptor converts the input XML document into a list of XML events
<!-- This adaptor converts the input XML document into a list of XML events -->
<processor type="EventListBuilderProcessor">

ChangeNamespaceProcessor: This adaptor changes the namespace of selected elements
<!-- This adaptor changes the namespace of selected elements -->
<processor type="ChangeNamespaceProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The new prefix of current node (namespace is removed if prefix is not set) (String) -->
    <parameter name="prefix"></parameter>

RemoveProcessor: This processor removes nodes matching the XPath expression
<!-- This processor removes nodes matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="RemoveProcessor">
    <!-- optional: Elements above this depth (relative to selected node) will not be removed (0 = infinite depth) (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="depth">0</parameter>

ElementToAttributeProcessor: This adaptor converts child element nodes and their text content to attribute nodes
<!-- This adaptor converts child element nodes and their text content to attribute nodes -->
<processor type="ElementToAttributeProcessor">

RemoveNamespaceProcessor: This adaptor changes the namespace of selected elements
<!-- This adaptor changes the namespace of selected elements -->
<processor type="RemoveNamespaceProcessor">

XmlDumpProcessor: This adaptor does not modify the XML stream, it just dumps it into a file for debugging purpose
<!-- This adaptor does not modify the XML stream, it just dumps it into a file for debugging purpose -->
<processor type="XmlDumpProcessor">
    <!-- optional: Path to the output file (String) -->
    <parameter name="file">/tmp/debugging.xml</parameter>

SelectWindowProcessor: This processor select nodes of the window starting at 'offset' and ending at 'offset+length'
<!-- This processor select nodes of the window starting at 'offset' and ending at 'offset+length' -->
<processor type="SelectWindowProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The position of the first node of the window (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="offset">1</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The length of the window (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="length"></parameter>

AppendAggregateProcessor: This adaptor appends a child element under the element nodes matching the XPath expression
<!-- This adaptor appends a child element under the element nodes matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="AppendAggregateProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The aggregate function (count|sum|avg|min|max) -->
    <parameter name="function">count</parameter>

    <!-- required: The qualified name of the node containing the result of aggregation (QName) -->
    <parameter name="node_name"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The relative path to aggregated nodes (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="node_values"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then parent prefix is used when no prefix is set (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="use_parent_prefix">true</parameter>

ReplaceProcessor: This adaptor replaces selected nodes with new nodes
<!-- This adaptor replaces selected nodes with new nodes -->
<processor type="ReplaceProcessor">
    <!-- required: The new nodes (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="nodes"></parameter>

CaseProcessor: This adaptor changes the case of node names
<!-- This adaptor changes the case of node names -->
<processor type="CaseProcessor">
    <!-- optional: Case for node names (UpperCamelCase|lowerCamelCase|UPPER_CASE|lower_case) -->
    <parameter name="case">UPPER_CASE</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then the case of all descendant nodes is changed (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="recursive">true</parameter>

TransformProcessor: This adaptor transforms the XML data
<!-- This adaptor transforms the XML data -->
<processor type="TransformProcessor">
    <!-- required: The skeleton of input XML, with additional 'name' attributes for kept elements (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="template"></parameter>

SelectDistinctProcessor: This adaptor selects nodes grouped by the key matching the XPath expression
<!-- This adaptor selects nodes grouped by the key matching the XPath expression -->
<processor type="SelectDistinctProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The sort type. If this parameter is set, then the result is sorted (text|number|date|unsorted) -->
    <parameter name="sort_type">unsorted</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then sort order is descending, else it is ascending (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="sort_descending">false</parameter>

InsertProcessor: This adaptor inserts new nodes
<!-- This adaptor inserts new nodes -->
<processor type="InsertProcessor">
    <!-- optional: Destination of added node (preceding_sibling|following_sibling|first_child|last_child) -->
    <parameter name="destination_as">last_child</parameter>

    <!-- required: The new nodes (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="nodes"></parameter>

LogProcessor: This adaptor log the specified message
<!-- This adaptor log the specified message -->
<processor type="LogProcessor">
    <!-- required: The XPath expression used to build the message to log (XPath) -->
    <parameter name="message"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The severity level of log message (TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR) -->
    <parameter name="severity">WARN</parameter>

IndentProcessor: This adaptor indents XML
<!-- This adaptor indents XML -->
<processor type="IndentProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The indent amount (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="indent">4</parameter>

BreakPointProcessor: This adaptor waits until property is set to true (for debugging)
<!-- This adaptor waits until property is set to true (for debugging) -->
<processor type="BreakPointProcessor">
    <!-- optional: The name of the boolean property to continue execution (String) -->
    <parameter name="property">stop</parameter>

ExtractProcessor: This processor select the first subtree of the XML document
<!-- This processor select the first subtree of the XML document -->
<processor type="ExtractProcessor">


XMLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to indented XML format
<!-- This adaptor renders view to indented XML format -->
<renderer type="XMLRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The indent amount (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="indent">4</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The XML header (List) -->
    <parameter name="header"></parameter>

LDIFRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to LDIF format
<!-- This adaptor converts data in XML format to LDIF format -->
<renderer type="LDIFRenderer">
    <!-- optional: Map of tag/attribute to build the DN (Map) -->
    <parameter name="dnElements">
        <entry key=".*" evaluated="false">id</entry>

CsvRenderer: This adaptor renders view to CSV format (Comma Separated Values)
<!-- This adaptor renders view to CSV format (Comma Separated Values) -->
<renderer type="CsvRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The column separator (String) -->
    <parameter name="separator">,</parameter>

GZipRenderer: This adaptor renders view to zipped XML
<!-- This adaptor renders view to zipped XML -->
<renderer type="GZipRenderer">

ZipRenderer: This adaptor renders view to zipped XML
<!-- This adaptor renders view to zipped XML -->
<renderer type="ZipRenderer">

TerminalRenderer: This adaptor renders view to indented and syntax highlighted XML format
<!-- This adaptor renders view to indented and syntax highlighted XML format -->
<renderer type="TerminalRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The indent amount (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="indent">4</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The color of element nodes (Black|DarkGray|Blue|LightBlue|Green|LightGreen|Cyan|LightCyan|Red|LightRed|Purple|LightPurple|Brown|Yellow|LightGray|White) -->
    <parameter name="element">LightRed</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The color of attribute node names (Black|DarkGray|Blue|LightBlue|Green|LightGreen|Cyan|LightCyan|Red|LightRed|Purple|LightPurple|Brown|Yellow|LightGray|White) -->
    <parameter name="attribute_name">LightPurple</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The color of attribute node values (Black|DarkGray|Blue|LightBlue|Green|LightGreen|Cyan|LightCyan|Red|LightRed|Purple|LightPurple|Brown|Yellow|LightGray|White) -->
    <parameter name="attribute_value">LightGreen</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The color of text nodes (Black|DarkGray|Blue|LightBlue|Green|LightGreen|Cyan|LightCyan|Red|LightRed|Purple|LightPurple|Brown|Yellow|LightGray|White) -->
    <parameter name="text">Green</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The color of comment nodes (Black|DarkGray|Blue|LightBlue|Green|LightGreen|Cyan|LightCyan|Red|LightRed|Purple|LightPurple|Brown|Yellow|LightGray|White) -->
    <parameter name="comment">LightGray</parameter>

ExcelRenderer: This renderer renders view to Excel spreadsheet
<!-- This renderer renders view to Excel spreadsheet -->
<renderer type="ExcelRenderer">

DefaultRenderer: This renderer adds XML data headers to specify encoding and XSL stylesheet
<!-- This renderer adds XML data headers to specify encoding and XSL stylesheet -->
<renderer type="DefaultRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The content type (setting it will disable client-side rendering) (String) -->
    <parameter name="contentType"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The characters encoding (String) -->
    <parameter name="encoding"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The XML header (List) -->
    <parameter name="header"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The HTML or XSL template for transforming XML to HTML (String) -->
    <parameter name="template"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The stylesheet parameters (Map) -->
    <parameter name="parameters"></parameter>

HTMLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to HTML
<!-- This adaptor renders view to HTML -->
<renderer type="HTMLRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The HTML or XSL template for transforming XML to HTML (String) -->
    <parameter name="template"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The stylesheet parameters (Map) -->
    <parameter name="parameters"></parameter>

JSONDeprecatedRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
<!-- This adaptor converts data in XML format to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format -->
<renderer type="JSONDeprecatedRenderer">
    <!-- optional: If true, then subsequent elements with same name are grouped into a JSON array (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="element_as_array">true</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then text nodes are converted to JSON entry pairs with key '#text' (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="text_as_pair">true</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, then conflicting element names raise exception, else they are renamed (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="abort_on_conflict">false</parameter>

HXMLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to indented XML format
<!-- This adaptor renders view to indented XML format -->
<renderer type="HXMLRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The indent amount (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="indent">4</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The XML header (List) -->
    <parameter name="header"></parameter>

SQLRenderer: This adaptor renders view to SQL INSERT statements
<!-- This adaptor renders view to SQL INSERT statements -->
<renderer type="SQLRenderer">

TextRenderer: This adaptor renders view to plain text format
<!-- This adaptor renders view to plain text format -->
<renderer type="TextRenderer">

RowColRenderer: This adaptor renders view to row-column XML format
<!-- This adaptor renders view to row-column XML format -->
<renderer type="RowColRenderer">

ChartRenderer: This adaptor renders view as chart
<!-- This adaptor renders view as chart -->
<renderer type="ChartRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The stacking mode (none|normal|percent) -->
    <parameter name="stacking">none</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The chart axis mode (normal|inverted|polar) -->
    <parameter name="axis">normal</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the type by column: [line], column, bar, area, areaspline, spline (Map) -->
    <parameter name="types"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set any other Highcharts option here (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="options"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the xAxis category, based on column name (List) -->
    <parameter name="xAxis"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the yAxis series, based on column name (List) -->
    <parameter name="yAxis"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the yAxis2 series, based on column name (List) -->
    <parameter name="yAxis2"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the yAxis3  series, based on column name (List) -->
    <parameter name="yAxis3"></parameter>

ChartDeprecatedRenderer: This adaptor renders view as chart
<!-- This adaptor renders view as chart -->
<renderer type="ChartDeprecatedRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The default chart type (column|bar|area|areaspline|line|spline) -->
    <parameter name="type">column</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The stacking mode (none|normal|percent) -->
    <parameter name="stacking">none</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The chart axis mode (normal|inverted|polar) -->
    <parameter name="axis">normal</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the unit of the series (Map) -->
    <parameter name="unit"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set which series are stacked (Map) -->
    <parameter name="stacked"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the column's type (override the default type) (Map) -->
    <parameter name="types"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set the column's aggregate function for drilldown (Map) -->
    <parameter name="drilldown"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set any other Highcharts option here (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="options"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: 1 for ChartDeprecatedRenderer and 2 (or default) for ChartRenderer (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="version">1</parameter>

JSONRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
<!-- This adaptor converts data in XML format to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format -->
<renderer type="JSONRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The list of XML elements that contains a text node (List) -->
    <parameter name="texts"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The list of XML elements that may have sibling with the same name (List) -->
    <parameter name="arrays"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Elements below the specified depth will be skipped (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="skip">0</parameter>

JsonMLRenderer: This adaptor converts data in XML format to JsonML (JSON Markup Language) format
<!-- This adaptor converts data in XML format to JsonML (JSON Markup Language) format -->
<renderer type="JsonMLRenderer">

PDFRenderer: This adaptor renders view to PDF
<!-- This adaptor renders view to PDF -->
<renderer type="PDFRenderer">
    <!-- optional: The HTML or XSL template for transforming XML to HTML (String) -->
    <parameter name="template"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The stylesheet parameters (Map) -->
    <parameter name="parameters"></parameter>


ZipSerializer: This adaptor unzips input data
<!-- This adaptor unzips input data -->
<serializer type="ZipSerializer">
    <!-- optional: The entry to unzip (String) -->
    <parameter name="entry"></parameter>

DeprecatedTextSerializer: This adaptor converts text data to XML data
<!-- This adaptor converts text data to XML data -->
<serializer type="DeprecatedTextSerializer">
    <!-- optional: The list of regular expressions (List) -->
    <parameter name="patterns">
        <entry evaluated="false">(.*)</entry>

    <!-- optional: A flag to modify behavior of regular expression engine (see (NONE|CANON_EQ|CASE_INSENSITIVE|COMMENTS|DOTALL|LITERAL|UNICODE_CASE|UNIX_LINES) -->
    <parameter name="flag">NONE</parameter>

EncapsulateSerializer: This adaptor encapsulates any content into a CDATA section within entries and entry elements
<!-- This adaptor encapsulates any content into a CDATA section within entries and entry elements -->
<serializer type="EncapsulateSerializer">
    <!-- optional: If true, then bytes stream is encapsulated into a CDATA section (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="cdata">true</parameter>

CSVSerializer: This adaptor converts CSV data to XML data
<!-- This adaptor converts CSV data to XML data -->
<serializer type="CSVSerializer">
    <!-- optional: The list of candidate separators (List) -->
    <parameter name="separators">
        <entry evaluated="false">,</entry>
        <entry evaluated="false">;</entry>

    <!-- optional: If set to true, then first row is a header (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="header">false</parameter>

    <!-- optional: If set to true, then number of columns is not allowed to vary (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="strict">true</parameter>

ByteReplaceSerializer: This adaptor replaces a character with a string
<!-- This adaptor replaces a character with a string -->
<serializer type="ByteReplaceSerializer">
    <!-- required: Map of replacement rules : @key must be a ASCII decimal, while text() can be any string (Map) -->
    <parameter name="replace"></parameter>

GZipSerializer: This adaptor gunzips input data
<!-- This adaptor gunzips input data -->
<serializer type="GZipSerializer">

SurroundSerializer: This adaptor surrounds bytes stream with header and footer
<!-- This adaptor surrounds bytes stream with header and footer -->
<serializer type="SurroundSerializer">
    <!-- optional: The header of the bytes stream (String) -->
    <parameter name="header"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The footer of the bytes stream (String) -->
    <parameter name="footer"></parameter>

ListSerializer: This adaptor converts CR-separated list into XML data in the 'entries' format
<!-- This adaptor converts CR-separated list into XML data in the 'entries' format -->
<serializer type="ListSerializer">

PropertiesSerializer: This adaptor converts properties into XML data in the 'entries' format
<!-- This adaptor converts properties into XML data in the 'entries' format -->
<serializer type="PropertiesSerializer">

StringReplaceSerializer: This adaptor replaces a character with a string
<!-- This adaptor replaces a character with a string -->
<serializer type="StringReplaceSerializer">
    <!-- required: Map of replacement rules (Map) -->
    <parameter name="replace"></parameter>

ByteEscapeSerializer: This adaptor enables filtering and/or converting bytes
<!-- This adaptor enables filtering and/or converting bytes -->
<serializer type="ByteEscapeSerializer">
    <!-- optional: Ranges of ASCII decimals to include (example: -200) (List) -->
    <parameter name="includes"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Ranges of ASCII decimals to exclude (example: 0-31 | 128-) (List) -->
    <parameter name="excludes"></parameter>

TextSerializer: This adaptor converts text data to XML data
<!-- This adaptor converts text data to XML data -->
<serializer type="TextSerializer">
    <!-- required: The grammar (see examples (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="grammar"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The regular expression matching ignored whitespaces (String) -->
    <parameter name="whitespaces">\s*</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The maximum length of token read while parsing (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="max-token-length">1024</parameter>

LDIFSerializer: This adaptor converts LDIF data to XML data
<!-- This adaptor converts LDIF data to XML data -->
<serializer type="LDIFSerializer">

FixedWidthSerializer: This adaptor converts text data with fixed column width to XML data (the same can be done with TextSerializer but with a significantly lower performance)
<!-- This adaptor converts text data with fixed column width to XML data (the same can be done with TextSerializer but with a significantly lower performance) -->
<serializer type="FixedWidthSerializer">
    <!-- optional: List of ranges of text positions (List) -->
    <parameter name="ranges"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: If set to true, then throws exception in case of parsing error (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="strict">false</parameter>

HTMLSerializer: This adaptor converts data from HTML to XHTML
<!-- This adaptor converts data from HTML to XHTML -->
<serializer type="HTMLSerializer">

JSONStreamSerializer: This adaptor converts data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to XML format
<!-- This adaptor converts data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to XML format -->
<serializer type="JSONStreamSerializer">
    <!-- optional: The list of characters forbidden in keys (List) -->
    <parameter name="forbidden-in-key"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: Set this to true when you need the keys to be converted to attribute values rather than element names (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="key-as-attribute">false</parameter>

JSONSerializer: This adaptor converts data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to XML format
<!-- This adaptor converts data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to XML format -->
<serializer type="JSONSerializer">
    <!-- optional: The list of characters forbidden in keys (List) -->
    <parameter name="forbidden-in-key"></parameter>

YAMLSerializer: This adaptor converts data in YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format to XML format
<!-- This adaptor converts data in YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format to XML format -->
<serializer type="YAMLSerializer">

INISerializer: This adaptor converts data from INI configuration file into XML data
<!-- This adaptor converts data from INI configuration file into XML data -->
<serializer type="INISerializer">


ViewNotifiedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when view is notified (i.e. when the REST operation 'notify' is invoked with the name of current view as parameter).
<!-- This adapter triggers cache refresh when view is notified (i.e. when the REST operation 'notify' is invoked with the name of current view as parameter). -->
<trigger type="ViewNotifiedTrigger">

CronTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh according to rules expressed with crontab syntax
<!-- This adapter triggers cache refresh according to rules expressed with crontab syntax -->
<trigger type="CronTrigger">
    <!-- optional: List of rules expressed with crontab syntax (List) -->
    <parameter name="expressions"></parameter>

ViewCreatedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when view is created (i.e. at startup).
<!-- This adapter triggers cache refresh when view is created (i.e. at startup). -->
<trigger type="ViewCreatedTrigger">

FixedTimeTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when date occurs
<!-- This adapter triggers cache refresh when date occurs -->
<trigger type="FixedTimeTrigger">
    <!-- optional: Day of week (monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday|any) -->
    <parameter name="day">any</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Hour in day (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="hour">-1</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Minute in hour (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="minute">-1</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Date and time in UTC TZ (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="utc">false</parameter>

DeltaTimeTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when time is elapsed
<!-- This adapter triggers cache refresh when time is elapsed -->
<trigger type="DeltaTimeTrigger">
    <!-- optional: Number of years in period (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="years">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Number of months in period (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="months">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Number of days in period (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="days">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Number of hours in period (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="hours">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Number of minutes in period (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="minutes">0</parameter>

    <!-- optional: Number of seconds in period (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="seconds">0</parameter>

ViewAccessedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when the view is accessed.
<!-- This adapter triggers cache refresh when the view is accessed. -->
<trigger type="ViewAccessedTrigger">

DependencyRefreshedTrigger: This adapter triggers cache refresh when the cache of the specified dependency views have been refreshed
<!-- This adapter triggers cache refresh when the cache of the specified dependency views have been refreshed -->
<trigger type="DependencyRefreshedTrigger">
    <!-- optional: Names of the dependency views (List) -->
    <parameter name="views"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: If true, refresh is triggered when ALL dependency views have been refreshed. Else it is refreshed when ANY dependency view has been refreshed. (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="all">false</parameter>


SkeletonValidator: This adaptor validates XML data against a XML skeleton
<!-- This adaptor validates XML data against a XML skeleton -->
<validator type="SkeletonValidator">
    <!-- required: The XML skeleton (Xml) -->
    <parameter name="skeleton"></parameter>

PathValidator: This adaptor validates the XML data against a simple path (if XPath is needed, then use the processor XPathValidatorProcessor instead)
<!-- This adaptor validates the XML data against a simple path (if XPath is needed, then use the processor XPathValidatorProcessor instead) -->
<validator type="PathValidator">
    <!-- optional: If value is true (default), then fail if selected node does not exist. If value is false, then fail if selected node exists. (Boolean) -->
    <parameter name="exist">true</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The error message. (String) -->
    <parameter name="message"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The namespace prefix to URI mapping (Map) -->
    <parameter name="namespaces"></parameter>

    <!-- required: A simple path to a XML element, with no axis and no predicate (XPath is not supported here) (String) -->
    <parameter name="path"></parameter>

XSDValidator: This adaptor validates XML data against a XML Schema (XSD)
<!-- This adaptor validates XML data against a XML Schema (XSD) -->
<validator type="XSDValidator">
    <!-- required: Path to the schema file (File) -->
    <parameter name="schema"></parameter>

RelaxNGValidator: This adaptor validates XML data against a Relax-NG schema
<!-- This adaptor validates XML data against a Relax-NG schema -->
<validator type="RelaxNGValidator">
    <!-- required: Path to the schema file (File) -->
    <parameter name="schema"></parameter>


X509Authenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with X509 certificate
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with X509 certificate -->
<authenticator type="X509Authenticator">

CookieAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with the session cookie
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with the session cookie -->
<authenticator type="CookieAuthenticator">

KerberosHTMLFormAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against Kerberos 5, using a HTML form
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against Kerberos 5, using a HTML form -->
<authenticator type="KerberosHTMLFormAuthenticator">
    <!-- optional: The Kerberos5 configuration file (File) -->
    <parameter name="krb5conf"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The login HTML form (String) -->
    <parameter name="form">/html/login-default.html</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The time to live of a session (in seconds) (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="ttl">10800</parameter>

CASAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with CAS (Central Authentication Service)
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with CAS (Central Authentication Service) -->
<authenticator type="CASAuthenticator">
    <!-- required: The URL of the CAS server (String) -->
    <parameter name="server"></parameter>

WhiteListHTMLFormAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against a white-list, using a HTML form
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against a white-list, using a HTML form -->
<authenticator type="WhiteListHTMLFormAuthenticator">
    <!-- required: The map of login and digested passwords (echo -n <password> | md5sum) (Map) -->
    <parameter name="passwords"></parameter>

    <!-- optional: The login HTML form (String) -->
    <parameter name="form">/html/login-default.html</parameter>

    <!-- optional: The time to live of a session (in seconds) (Integer) -->
    <parameter name="ttl">10800</parameter>

KerberosHTTPBasicAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against Kerberos 5, using HTTP Basic Authentication
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against Kerberos 5, using HTTP Basic Authentication -->
<authenticator type="KerberosHTTPBasicAuthenticator">
    <!-- optional: The Kerberos5 configuration file (File) -->
    <parameter name="krb5conf"></parameter>

OAuth2Authenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with OAuth2
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with OAuth2 -->
<authenticator type="OAuth2Authenticator">
    <!-- required: The URL of the OAuth2 Authorization URL (String) -->
    <parameter name="authz_location"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The URL of the OAuth2 Token URL (String) -->
    <parameter name="token_location"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The set of permissions requested (String) -->
    <parameter name="scope"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The Client ID (or App ID) (String) -->
    <parameter name="client_id"></parameter>

    <!-- required: The Client secret (or App secret) (String) -->
    <parameter name="client_secret"></parameter>

IPAddressAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with his IP address
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with his IP address -->
<authenticator type="IPAddressAuthenticator">
    <!-- optional: The list of authenticated IP addresses or subnets in CIDR notation (List) -->
    <parameter name="addresses"></parameter>

GuestAuthenticator: This adaptor bypasses authentication and gives name 'guest' to user
<!-- This adaptor bypasses authentication and gives name 'guest' to user -->
<authenticator type="GuestAuthenticator">

WhiteListHTTPBasicAuthenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against a white-list, using HTTP Basic Authentication
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with login/password against a white-list, using HTTP Basic Authentication -->
<authenticator type="WhiteListHTTPBasicAuthenticator">
    <!-- required: The map of login and digested passwords (echo -n <password> | md5sum) (Map) -->
    <parameter name="passwords"></parameter>

SAML2Authenticator: This adaptor authenticates user with SAML v2
<!-- This adaptor authenticates user with SAML v2 -->
<authenticator type="SAML2Authenticator">
    <!-- required: The URL of the SAML2 Identity Provider (String) -->
    <parameter name="server"></parameter>