Setting environment

Set your development environment
  1. Download and install a Java Development Kit (JDK)
  2. Download and install Apache Maven
  3. Download and install the maven archetype files ( maven-archetype-lavoisier-2.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar and maven-archetype-lavoisier-2.2.2-SNAPSHOT.pom)
    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=maven-archetype-lavoisier-2.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar -DpomFile=maven-archetype-lavoisier-2.2.2-SNAPSHOT.pom -Dpackaging=jar
  4. Create your module:
    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-lavoisier -DarchetypeVersion=2.2.2-SNAPSHOT
Answer to the questions asked by maven:
  • groupId: package name (e.g. org.my_company.project)
  • artifactId: module name (e.g. lavoisier-adaptor-mytechno)
  • version and package: accept default value

Recommendations for code maintainability

Parameter declaration
  • use private static final constant with name prefixed by P_
  • create your Parameter object using static methods of Parameter class.
Reading the Example connector code you will see a simple example :
private static final Parameter<Xml> P_CONTENT = Parameter.xml("content", "Input XML data");
public Parameter[] getUsage() {
    return new Parameter[]{P_CONTENT};
NB: Enumeration parameter is the only specific case requiring the use of ParameterEnumeration constructor instead of static method of Parameter class. You can start with this example: Log processor code
Parameter value
Please use getValue() method to retrieve parameter value :
Xml content = P_CONTENT.getValue(configuration);

Developing your plugin

Choose the right interface
First you have to choose the adaptor type (connector, serializer, processor, renderer...): read the Administrator documentation Then you have to choose the adaptor interface that matches your needs (APIs, skills, project context).
Interfaces available to all plugins
XML stream interfaces: both enable sequential access only but use very little memory
  • SAX-based interfaces rely on SAX API
  • XMLEvent interfaces are more high level (less method to implement, context management, ...)
Object Model interfaces: both enable random access by recording the whole tree structure in memory
  • DOM-based interfaces rely on DOM standard (more standard)
  • DOM4J-based interfaces rely on DOM4J (more efficient)

Interfaces available to connector plugins only
Java bean based interfaces: enable random access for XML for fixed schema
  • JAXB-based interfaces rely on JAXB API
Byte stream based interfaces: enable sequential access only but allow non XML data
  • Input stream based interface
  • Output stream based interface
NB: If your legacy API provides both, prefer InputStream which will prevent Lavoisier from having to pipe it.
Implement the chosen interface
  • Copy the methods of chosen interface from this web page.
  • Paste them into your adaptor class.
  • Fill the body of the methods with your own code.

Testing your plugin

Test all plugins except connector
Use following constructor passing the path of xml input file as parameter.
TestableChain chain = new TestableChain(new ExampleAdaptor(), "/input.xml");
assertEquals(Expected.getAsString("expected/ExampleAdaptor.xml"), chain.getAsString())

Test a connector plugin
Use constructor dedicated to connector plugin (without XML input)
  • Fully automated
    TestableChain chain = new TestableChain(new ExampleConnector());
    assertEquals(Expected.getAsString("expected/ExampleConnector.xml"), chain.getAsString())
  • Semi automated: When the input data is not fixed, you can still automate the execution of the test, but the generated data has to be verified manually. To do so replace the assertion with a dump :
    TestableChain chain = new TestableChain(new ExampleConnector());
  • Manual: When the test is requiring specific environment or security context, you have to disable automatic execution of the test by adding '_' (underscore) at the end of file name otherwise the build may fail.

Using your plugin

Using your plugin

Build your module ("mvn package') and copy it to 'lib/' directories, in order to be able to use your plugin from your Lavoisier instance.

  • currently, libraries have to be copied into both 'lib/' and 'jsw/lavoisier/lib' directories.
  • currently, home-made plugins used in the Lavoisier configuration file must be referenced with their full class name (i.e. including the namespace).

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