Running tests, I get "ClassNotFoundException:XSLTConnector" (or another adaptor)
To improve performance at startup, the list of adaptors is now built at compile-time. This error means that the list has not been built yet. Run "mvn install" at the root level.
Configuration needed to deploy
Configuration needed to site-deploy
How to build Lavoisier ?
Run "mvn install" at the root level. If you are under Microsoft Windows, you must run the following command before cloning the GIT repository:
git config --global core.autocrlf true

How to release Lavoisier ?
  • Update version in the following files:
    • lavoisier-package/src/site/apt/download.apt.vm
    • maven/maven-archetype-lavoisier/resources/archetype-resources/pom.xml
  • Update changes list
  • Check if test suite is still successful when executed on a new git clone
    git clone ssh://
    cd lavoisier/
    mvn install
  • Create the release:
    mvn release:prepare
    mvn release:perform
  • Connect via SFTP and rename the base directory of generated web site to lavoisier-X.Y.Z

How to rollback a failed release ?
  • mvn release:rollback
  • git push --delete origin tagname
  • git tag --delete tagname

Jenkins integration
The configuration of Maven3 jobs for Jenkins at CC is documented here.

In addition to this, you have to modify the port on which Lavoisier will be started for tests (otherwise there could be a conflict with Jenkins itself). Configure the Maven part (Build) of your job like this:
  • Build/MAVEN_OPTS: -DargLine="Dlavoisier.http.port=8081"